Are you ready to confirm or deny that is there going to be a Taijitu Fund Raising Car Wash?
If we can find adequate numbers of scantily clad attractive women, yes.
What is your personal opinion on entertaining relations with the feederites?
I'm quite amenable to it. Though I do not feel that one should speak of "Feeders" as though they are a collective. They are individual regions, ans ad such relations with them will be examined on a case by case basis.
Mr. Delegate, how do you respond to accusations that you are indeed a n00b?
Do you think it reasonable to say that feeder residents should have no rights to their region?
No, I do not think that at all. FREEDOM IS THE RIGHT OF ALL SENTIENT BEINGS!
Seriously, though, I view the feeders as no more or no less important than any other region. Pro feeder, Anti feeder, they're all fucking regions, just like ours. To imply the rights of their citizens should differ because of that would be rather silly.
so, uh, you're rebuilding?