I'll address this to both Korinn and Allama:
Considering the current number of NS nations is 1/10th of what it was at its highest point, do you think the 69,000+ who are left are capable of sustaining the game? How might Taijitu be a leader in activities to keep things going?
I think the end is inevitable, but the remaining nations could atleast make it fun until it dies off completely. Although doubtful, maybe with enough work it could become popular again. I think if Taijitu can get it's military up and running we could keep that aspect going. I think we need more inter-regional stuff too. Fun stuff like art and poetry contests. Stuff like that. Anything to make more people get involved.
Kor made some wonderful points so, once again, I will simply add my thoughts to his: I think the decline of NS is inevitable, but that its death is not. If enough dedicated players remain, we may just salvage the entire game and continue to survive for years to come. Even if, God forbid, nationstates.net is shut down, I think some of those to whom this game has come to mean a lot would attempt to recreate the game elsewhere, move to another game, or (at the very least) keep up the off-site forums to keep their beloved communities alive.
Taijitu is, I believe, in a good position to kick up some fun and inspire other regions to do the same. One of the things I want to do is use our Embassies in other regions to get a little more inter-regional communication going, just like Kor said. We could really make a difference if we actually put some work and effort into it.
Also, as promised:
* Slathers J Delight with make-up and hair dye.
Nice speech, nice ideas.
I was kind of torn between Sovereign Dixie and your campaign, in the end I decided he had his chance and that you deserve yours.
You have my vote, please may it be vindicated.
Thanks very much, Matt! That means a lot.

SD is a great candidate, though, and was a wonderful Delegate, so I hope nobody lets me encourage them to not vote for him if that's what you decide.
First, good luck with your campaign, I'm happy to see you two running together.
What will your main priority be in case you win these elections?
Would you like to change something in Taijitu's policy towards the feederite regions in NS and if so what?
IMO Taijitu has been plagued lately also due to the fact that some have chosen the path of void criticism and blind enmity in order to make a name for themselves. For some, respect is just a word with no meaning. Do you agree and if so, will you tolerate such developments to continue?
and, last but not least:
What will be the official color of the government's clothes be, considering Korinn is known to be pink?
My main priority would be to revitalize the region; we cannot continue to (a) lose nations and (b) lose interest/activity in both NS and the forum if we are to survive, plain and simple. I think I've mentioned a few ways in which I'd like to do that, but feel free to ask about anything in particular you'd like to know. ^_^
What I would change as far as our relations with feeders is quite similar to what I'd like to change for our relations with other regions, though a bit more closely; I want to increase inter-regional communication, further both diplomatic and social ties, and open ourselves up a bit to military cooperation. One of the ways to rejuvenate our army is, in the views of many, to start playing with the big kids.
I don't agree that respect is a word with no meaning, absolutely not. I feel very strongly that people should show respect towards one another whenever possible, including those with whom they share very little in the way of opinions or positive feelings. As far as "tolerating" that sort of behavior goes, I support people's right to be rude and annoying under free speech but only until it crossed the line into harassment or some other such crime, at which point I would support legal action. I would, however, prefer that everyone just grow up and resolve their personal problems privately; constant suing and forum restrictions and blah blah blah etc. would be as much of a plague on our region as lack of respect.
As of now, I encourage everyone to try to be civil at the very least,
especially towards people you don't like or those with whom you have a history of disagreements.
Oh, and the official color of Taijitu's government-issue uniforms will be purple, to be a fair, gender-neutral mix of feminine pink and masculine blue.

and can i have free gummy worms?
Not only will every Citizen of Taijitu have 24-hour access to cost-free gummy/gummi worms, I will personally bake a batch of cookies for the break room every week. Polls will be set up to decide what kind on each Wednesday to end Thursday, and cookies shall be offered on Fridays. \o/
Hey, what would your cabinet be if you were elected?
To be honest, I have not decided 100% who I'll appoint and would rather not say until I know if those I am considering would be willing to do serve the region with me. ^_^ A good question, though!