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News: Let us make the whole region resound with the song of We Are The Happiest People in NationStates.

Author Topic: Traitor New Kervoskia  (Read 2130 times)

Offline New Kervoskia

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Traitor New Kervoskia
« on: October 22, 2007, 03:18:35 AM »
Traitor New Kervoskia

In a few days time that will replace Comrade Senator as my new moniker. Let all nations know that I am not a traitor, but one of the last Francoists. We are a dying breed on the verge of extinction. Today The Pacific is not ruled by Francoists, nor Feederites, Userites or Sycophants, but by a Mooist. The name indicates whom he looks out for and wholeheartedly supports. The region has plunged in an age of inactivity and cultural stagnation. Francoism has been all but erased from the history books. The health and prosperity of the region has been ignored. Its recent evolution has been only superficial and has not been followed by a change in the tone or dynamic. I will lay out the reasons for my actions.

I.   Moo-cows, Premier of the Francoist Union, has allowed the image of Pacifica to soften. We are seen as a weakened giant, who has lived long past its glory days. Mere lip service is paid to Francoism. He has allowed CyberNations to encroach upon his dedication to the first Pacifica, the true Pacifica. Yes, it is true there were times when I and the Senate as a whole good have been more active, but a leader’s guidance and inspiration makes a world of difference.

II.   When he booted Senator Darkesia, he booted a loyal Pacifican and a good Francoist. She created a welcoming atmosphere that allowed newer nations to better assimilate. Her signals were ignored by Moo-cows and Moo tightened his hold on Pacifica and closed his eyes to the truth. CN squabbles even forced us to move to a different forum. He did not realize that the people loved Darkesia and he should have weighed the costs and benefits of ejecting her before he acted.

III.   The lion’s share of the work is done not by, Moo-cows, but by a handful of Senators. He merely grants his assent. We have been left with a mere skeleton of a region. Meetings have been few and far between. We have a reigning delegate, not a ruling delegate. This causes plans to be delayed and action to come to a halt because, though he does not rule, he must gloss over every new idea to make sure it conforms to the Mooist ideal.

Not more than two weeks again I handed over my resignation, but rescinded in order to help form the Francoist Union. I realize now that no amount of superficial change will save Pacifica. I apologize to The Pacific for not doing all that I could to help her in her time of direst need. Moo-cows, you were a magnificent Prime Minister and military tactician, but CN has done much damage to your credentials. I will always respect you, but I cannot abide this.
I say goodbye forever to Pacifica and to my Comrades. Know that I will miss you, but I cannot return. To the remaining Comrade Senators Karpathos, Gaspo, and Chosen Men, you have been a pleasure to work with, but I ask you to look inside your consciences and your Francoist hearts and do what is best for the region. Don’t let her die like this. The burden lies on your shoulders now.

Aufwiedersehen, Dear Comrades
-New Kervoskia
Francoist, Patriot, and Pacifican

Offline Algerianbania

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Re: Traitor New Kervoskia
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2007, 03:39:22 AM »
/standing ovation
Member of the Order of the Gryphons, Senator of Taijitu, Ambassador to The North Pacific, Deputy MoEA of The North Pacific, Member of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific
It's the chaos fetish theory.  As soon as you think of it, it automatically exists.
If you have a proplem, blame Soly.

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Re: Traitor New Kervoskia
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2007, 01:30:24 PM »