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Author Topic: Terran For Senate - A Greener Future!  (Read 1151 times)

Offline Terran

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Terran For Senate - A Greener Future!
« on: June 28, 2012, 06:57:35 AM »
(Note: In lieu of the recent court case against the Elections and Referendums Act, I am moving ahead with my senatorial campaign. Mainly because I believe it helps spur activity and it gives me something to do while a decision is reached.)

Fellow Citizens,

I am a new member to the region, however like many of you I am active and intrigued by Nationstates and the novelty still has not worn off, as it were. I have always been a fairly opinionated person, and I am always motivated by my personal feelings of sympathy for my fellow human beings, and the various other creatures and life that exists in the world. It is my belief that games like these are at times, manifestations or extensions of personal political opinion. That's primarily what lead me to create and organize the new Green Party of Taijitu. I realize I am currently the only member, but I firmly believe that to start a change for the better, all it takes is one person brave enough to stand up to the task.

Getting started, I think the region has two sectors that need to be addressed, and I personally think one of them has the potential to affect the other. The first major issue is that I gather I am the first really active recruit this region's had in some time. This needs to be fixed, and a clear and obvious method of getting new members to join needs to be instated. If such a program does exist now, it must be made readily available through an easy link on the forums, with instructions. With all members active pitching in to help, think of the possibilities! I mean, I know I practically live on these forums in my free time, I don't know about you guys.

The second one is probably a little more relaxed in terms of the regional affairs of the game. However, in my opinion I see it as equally important because this is what draws me to the game: actual nation building and management. The entire political platform of the Green Party stands built around it's belief in the "8 Values". These values essentially sum up our ideals of an eco-friendly economy, where ethical restrictions on animals and the environment prevent cruelty, exploitation, experimentation and other inhumane practices from taking place. I also firmly believe that all citizens have a voice, and right to be heard. Issues ranging from civil and political liberties, will always result in my vote for choices that promote personal liberty and individual responsibility. Likewise, I will take a tough stance against the complacent attitude our government has had in terms of the environment, the national animal and environmental spending overall (which is at a paltry 1% of GDP).

Specific legislative goals I would achieve:

  • Review of all current legislation so that it meets with the constitution's rights for all citizens. We stumbled upon one that doesn't, and it's being addressed.
  • Should the issue arise, I will work to remove the recently passed issue regarding Animal Experimentation. I will take a stand for those that cannot.
  • I will work to reform Uranium Mining in Taijitu Founder, and seek to prevent the widespread deforestation of our natural resources and wildlife preserves. Once these wonders are destroyed, they cannot be returned to us.
  • I will seek to increase the budget for Environmental issues and concerns from 1% of GDP, to 5% of GDP, through a means of Pro-Environmental spending issues, and policies. The current budget is $98.8 Billion Tais. I will increase this to $152.1 Billion Tais, and promote reasonable expansions after that with a hard cap set at 11% of GDP. Funds will not come from social welfare, healthcare or social equality services.

I strongly believe that a Green Party candidate for senate has never been needed more than now. It is important to protect and preserve the environmental treasures that we are given, and to stand up for the rights and liberties of our citizens. It is also important that we focus our attention to the growing lack of new blood in the region and take steps to increase the attractiveness of our region, to other nations. I strongly encourage you, my fellow citizens to consider a Green Party candidate for Senate in the upcoming elections. Thank You!

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Offline Terran

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Re: Terran For Senate - A Greener Future!
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2012, 03:37:26 AM »
As of now, I have received word that it is unlikely that my campaign for senate will be permitted through legislative means. It is currently being decided by the Courts, however during this time I will have to suspend my campaign. I apologize to those who were looking forward to a good run from a new face.

What's the Green Party?
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Offline Terran

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Re: Terran For Senate - A Greener Future!
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2012, 09:35:56 PM »
Due to the recent court ruling, my candidacy is hereby cancelled. Earlier, I had merely suspended it pending the court's decision regarding the constitutionality of the Elections and Referendums Act. However as the court has made clear, I am ineligible to run.

I will make it known here, that the court's ruling is flawed, given that I am quote, guaranteed the right, to participate in elections. This does not leave any room for wiggle. It is not vague, and it doesn't leave room to state that I cannot be denied certain elements of it. I have the inalienable right, under the constitution, to run or vote. The court is merely upholding the law to maintain security against a possibility that likely will never occur.

With this in mind, while I respect the court's ruling, I will be boycotting the election. Furthermore, I will be boycotting regional participation, interaction and other forms of political expression until the next term. If this region feels it is necessary to restrict certain liberties in the interests of regional security, then they will reap the consequences.

What's the Green Party?
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Offline Gulliver

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Re: Terran For Senate - A Greener Future!
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2012, 09:55:49 PM »
I'm sorry that the Court did not rule in your favor, but I urge you to reconsider completely boycotting everything. You are still entitled to vote and create and sign a petition. If there are people who sympathize with your position, and I'm pretty sure you are, you could elect a representative to who'll change the law, or force a binding referendum to do so.