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Author Topic: First Party Congress  (Read 39998 times)

Offline Prydania

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Re: First Party Congress
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2015, 01:44:23 AM »
The Guild system seems to be a winner to me. What say you, party members?

Offline AwesomeSaucer

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Re: First Party Congress
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2015, 02:19:21 AM »
The Guild system seems to be a winner to me. What say you, party members?
I will soon make a Google Doc outlining it.  Stay tuned!  :)

Former Citizen-Liaison of Taijitu,

Evan C.

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Re: First Party Congress
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2015, 02:37:23 AM »

Are there other structural changes we would like to propose? Other avenues of boosting community activity/membership we can dream up?

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline AwesomeSaucer

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Re: First Party Congress
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2015, 04:16:08 AM »

Are there other structural changes we would like to propose? Other avenues of boosting community activity/membership we can dream up?
Well, I certainly support the idea of the Mentor program (perfect for a committee), so there's that.

As you all know, I also strongly support some real social media presence to get the word out about Taijitu itself.  I'm getting a new laptop in the next few weeks, so I can actually edit videos for our YouTube channel!

Former Citizen-Liaison of Taijitu,

Evan C.

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: First Party Congress
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2015, 07:50:55 AM »

I completely disagree.  That clause stands for something that completely goes against the Glorious Revolution's principles, in the fact that it believes officer positions and governmental hierarchy is a positive for the community.  It, in my opinion, has been made abundantly clear over time that that is not the case.

Our party needs to focus less on regional offices and officers, absolutely none on governmental hierarchies ("climbing leaders "), and all on making sure every Taijitu Citizen feels equal and empowered to have a real say, through proposing and voting on bills.

Well... we already have a lot of that crap floating in the bowl already. I mean, we already have all of the proposing and the voting and the feel good huggy huggy stuff. We're not advocating for Less democracy, as in not advocating any curtailing to the Ecclesia or whatever.

But if we go with what you're saying then what will we have? We'll have more of the same. And that's not what we're here to do.

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: First Party Congress
« Reply #20 on: November 22, 2015, 07:55:10 AM »
On the other hand, it would give new folks a path to follow, rather than relying on their ability to comprehend and navigate our great big region.

Are there specifics yet? Or will we talk about that later?
I was thinking a few things but nothing concrete yet, don't misinterpret this as idealizing hierarchy for its own sake but indeed as a path to follow.


I completely disagree.  That clause stands for something that completely goes against the Glorious Revolution's principles, in the fact that it believes officer positions and governmental hierarchy is a positive for the community.  It, in my opinion, has been made abundantly clear over time that that is not the case.

Our party needs to focus less on regional offices and officers, absolutely none on governmental hierarchies ("climbing leaders "), and all on making sure every Taijitu Citizen feels equal and empowered to have a real say, through proposing and voting on bills.

Where as I vehemently disagree with everything you've stated. I've seen the officers largely as the ones getting things done since the Glorious Revolution. There hasn't been any abuse of power even with your own over-reach when holding a title. I definitely see officers as a positive. The fuck do we have to vote on with just a democratic chamber? Where's the drive for legislation? I've seen the legislative model we've established act as its own worst enemy. Mind I am not suggesting something non-democratic.

You have had the power to draft and propose any legislation you want this whole time, you are fully empowered as things stand to do so.  How could we hope to go about "making sure every Taijitu Citizen feels equal and empowered to have a real say", when they already are guaranteed such under the current system? How could such possibly be further pushed? If anything we are constricted by this rather than aided by it.

Yeah.. pretty much this to be honest.

Offline Prydania

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Re: First Party Congress
« Reply #21 on: November 25, 2015, 06:20:30 AM »
The Centre Party supports the idea of a structured executive branch to encourage citizen participation in a democracy.
We support amendments and legislation that would allow the Citizen-Delegate and other elected officials to name deputies who could assist the elected officials in any way the official deems necessary.
We reaffirm our support of the democratic processes laid out by the Glorious Revolution and continue to support the democratic process as the only fair and just way to select the Citizen-Delegate and the rest of the elected officials who make up the administration of the Citizens Democracy of Taijitu.

How does that look to everyone?

Offline Khem

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Re: First Party Congress
« Reply #22 on: November 25, 2015, 02:39:07 PM »
The Centre Party supports the idea of a structured executive branch to encourage citizen participation in a democracy.
We support amendments and legislation that would allow the Citizen-Delegate and other elected officials to name deputies who could assist the elected officials in any way the official deems necessary.
We reaffirm our support of the democratic processes laid out by the Glorious Revolution and continue to support the democratic process as the only fair and just way to select the Citizen-Delegate and the rest of the elected officials who make up the administration of the Citizens Democracy of Taijitu.

How does that look to everyone?
Looks good to me, though might need more pizazz.

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline AwesomeSaucer

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Re: First Party Congress
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2015, 04:13:55 PM »
The Centre Party supports the idea of a structured executive branch to encourage citizen participation in a democracy.
We support amendments and legislation that would allow the Citizen-Delegate and other elected officials to name deputies who could assist the elected officials in any way the official deems necessary.
We reaffirm our support of the democratic processes laid out by the Glorious Revolution and continue to support the democratic process as the only fair and just way to select the Citizen-Delegate and the rest of the elected officials who make up the administration of the Citizens Democracy of Taijitu.

How does that look to everyone?
What happened to the guilds/committees?  This sounds an awful lot like a representative democracy to me...

Also, I thought the C-D would appoint people to help with C-D affairs, not general affairs.  :/

Former Citizen-Liaison of Taijitu,

Evan C.

Offline Prydania

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Re: First Party Congress
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2015, 09:19:11 PM »
The Centre Party supports the idea of a structured executive branch to encourage citizen participation in a democracy.
We support amendments and legislation that would allow the Citizen-Delegate and other elected officials to name deputies who could assist the elected officials in any way the official deems necessary.
We reaffirm our support of the democratic processes laid out by the Glorious Revolution and continue to support the democratic process as the only fair and just way to select the Citizen-Delegate and the rest of the elected officials who make up the administration of the Citizens Democracy of Taijitu.

How does that look to everyone?
What happened to the guilds/committees?  This sounds an awful lot like a representative democracy to me...
I don't see how. The fundamental structure of the government isn't being changed.

As for Guilds...

We support committees tied to elected officials, which citizens can apply to. These committees will be tasked with helping their respected official in their duties.

Also, I thought the C-D would appoint people to help with C-D affairs, not general affairs.  :/
That's implied. The C-D would appoint people to deal with any C-D affairs they deem necessary. The C-L would appoint people to help with C-L duties, and so forth.