I started this topic, essentially, to mourn/whine about one show in particular:
Fox, you sons of bitches, that was BY FAR the best show you've put on in years. Rave reviews. What do you do, then? Cancel it after 3 episodes. Less than 4 hours worth of showtime and you go and take it off the air like so much trash, and for what? Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader? All of your executives should be fired, and I mean that with all seriousness.
Go ahead and discuss any other shows that you think should have stayed on the air that, unfortunately, did not. Like Firefly.
Maybe I missed something, but
Drive? Really? Now, it didn't seem as bad as some of the other trash fox puts out on a daily basis, but it was no high art. And most of the reviews I read were middling, at best. But hey, maybe I did miss something. It was nice seeing Nathan Fillion in something else, though.
Alright, my rants:
Veronica Mars and
Alias. Firstly, Mars. Damn you, Dawn Ostroff (CW leading exec), damn you to the fiery pits in the ninth circle of hell! You cancel the best written show on television (sorry, Lost) for

? *twitch twitch*.
When a teenage male boycotts a show with scantily clad women gyrating to pop music, the show it replaced had to have been DAMN GOOD. I abjectly refuse to watch a single minute of that show. But hey, they obviously replaced Mars because they had much better programming coming, right? Like...Gossip Girl...and ANOTHER season of One Tree Hill. Why, why WHY?
But at least Kristen Bell is on my new favorite show (which ascended from third to first due to Lost not coming until January and the cancellation of Mars), Heroes. But Mars had so much more left in it. Hell, we didn't even get closure; the finale was a bleepin' cliffhanger, because the cast and crew didn't know this would be the final season. Now that's just cruel.
And Alias. I'm not so mad at the show's cancellation (it was reaching the end of it's rope), I just think it deserved one more season to help wrap up the show's numerous loose ends.
And on the subject of cancelled Fox shows, anyone remember
Wonderfalls? A charming show cut down too soon. But hey, its creator is back with Pushing Daisies (which looks great). He also created Dead Like Me...I though I was the only one that watched that show. The scene before the first commercial of the series is the funniest I've ever seen on television, bar none.
And yes, Alana, FOX (and the CW) are SOBs. That's why Reaper (the only decent non-reality show on the CW) is probably not going to last the year. I won't get too attached.
Great thread, BTW. Nicely done, Alana (again).