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Author Topic: Anime  (Read 2357 times)

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Anime
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2007, 05:52:28 PM »
.hack would have been better (in my opinion) if it was more about the everyday lives of characters in the game instead of trying to have some kind of real world consequences and whatnot. Just a light funny romp which follows the interconnecting adventures of different characters such as RP'ers, Scammers, PKs, Noobs, Guilds and whatnot.

Thats just my  :2c: though.

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Offline Eientei

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Re: Anime
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2008, 06:30:42 AM »
Digging this thread up from its two month-old grave, but Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji is pretty much the best series ever.  It's still airing, but subs are being released as it airs.  Crazy stuff, and very interesting.

Re: Anime
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2008, 05:47:41 AM »
uhm... my "sister" had me watching

Death Note
Ranma 1/2
Ruroni Kenshin
Hana Kimi (actually a JDrama but..)
Yu Yu Hakusho (for a short time when i was in third grade)
One with people named Hisoka and Tsuzuki...
Samurai champloo
Some Negima
Evangelion(i think that's the name..)
Prince of Tennis
and a LOT more..  :D

Offline Delfos

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Re: Anime
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2008, 12:58:00 AM »
I've been watching Samurai Champloo from time to time, and I was wrong, I had already seen it, and yes it's very nice.