This game is infernal. Simple and infernal.
The format is as follows, easy to catch, etc.:
1: "You're in a situation, you have two options:
2: Either you do alternative A or you do alternative B.
3: Of course it'd be better if you did A (or B, depending on which is actually better), but if you did do B (or A), you've got two options."
Easy enough? Everyone does one cycle. 3, 1, 2.
You're in a pitch-black room. You are likely to be eaten by grue. (the set-up, number one)
You have two options:
Either you leave the room or stay in the room. (options, number two)
(Next one posts a solution (i.e. number three) and their own set-up and option. The story must be continuous, i.e. connected to previous cycles.)