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Author Topic: Two Options  (Read 23563 times)

Offline Larry

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #90 on: April 22, 2007, 06:53:30 AM »
Of course, it would be better if the police got your keys, but if you start swinging at them you have two options:

The police take you down with a stun gun or shoot at you.
Enigmatic Comrade of The Party

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Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #91 on: April 22, 2007, 07:04:36 AM »
Of course it'd be better if they stunned you, but if they take the shot you have two options

Dance! or Play dead

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline tak

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #92 on: April 22, 2007, 12:12:22 PM »
Of course it would be better to play dead, but if you choose to dance, you have two options:
Dance alone or ask the police for a dance...

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #93 on: April 22, 2007, 06:15:23 PM »
Of course it'd be better to dance with someone (even if it is the police) but if you dance alone you have two options

Hope your dancing is so bad the police leave in disgust; or
The police become enraged with your horrible dancing and throw you in Guantanamo Bay

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline tak

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #94 on: April 22, 2007, 06:17:32 PM »
Of course it would be better for the police to leave in disgust, but if you were thrown into Guantanomo, you have two options:

Beaten to death or tortured by other means

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #95 on: April 22, 2007, 06:24:19 PM »
Of course it'd be better to be beaten to death (You've already been dead twice and come back so it wouldn't really be that hard to try again) but if you are tortured by other means you have two options.

Go into your happy place until the brute get tired from their "freedom loving" ways; or
Plan to escape to Cuba

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Larry

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #96 on: April 22, 2007, 06:34:57 PM »
Of course, it would be better to wait until they get bored of you, but if you plan your escape you have two options:

Dig your way out with a spoon or start a riot.
Enigmatic Comrade of The Party

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Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #97 on: April 22, 2007, 06:40:10 PM »
Of course it'd be better to start a riot but if you spoon dig your way out you have two options

Wait until they finally feed you so that you can get a spoon; or
Craft a spoon using the bones of the last prisoner who waited to be fed

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Larry

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #98 on: April 22, 2007, 06:55:00 PM »
Of course, it would be better to make your own spoon but if you wait until they feed you, you have two options:

Just sit and wait; or
Pretend to be dying of starvation
Enigmatic Comrade of The Party

Those who forget the pasta are doomed to reheat it.

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #99 on: April 22, 2007, 07:09:19 PM »
Of course it'd be better to pretend to be starving, but if you sit and wait you have two options:

Pray that an alien spacecraft just happens to pass by and abduct you (Probers need not apply); or
Try to summon a demon to work on a better plan

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Larry

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #100 on: April 22, 2007, 07:19:44 PM »
Of course, it would be better to hope for a spacecraft, because the denziens of Hell are probably pretty pissed off with you, but if you try to summon a demon you have two choices:

Start to hunt for the various ingredients needed (mouse skull, candles, chalk, etc); or
Ask the red-skinned fellow with horns in the next cell if he's got any of them.
Enigmatic Comrade of The Party

Those who forget the pasta are doomed to reheat it.

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #101 on: April 22, 2007, 07:23:55 PM »
of course it'd be better to find the things for yourself, but if you ask the devil looking fellow next to you, you have two options:

He gets angry because you call him a "devil looking fellow" when he's actually just sun burnt and horny; or
He actually is a devil and offers to get you out in exchange for your soul

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Larry

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #102 on: April 22, 2007, 07:36:00 PM »
Of course, it would be better if he was just a normal guy, because you're quite attached to your soul, but if he's actually a devil you have two options:

Sign his soul-leasing contract immediately; or
Ask for a magnifying glass and read the contract carefully
Enigmatic Comrade of The Party

Those who forget the pasta are doomed to reheat it.

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #103 on: April 22, 2007, 07:38:54 PM »
Of course it'd be better to sign and get out but if you choose to read the small print you have two options:

You either like what you see; or
You don't

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Larry

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #104 on: April 22, 2007, 07:53:39 PM »
Of course, it would be better if you liked what you see, but if you don't, you have two options:

You sign anyway; or
You turn down the offer
Enigmatic Comrade of The Party

Those who forget the pasta are doomed to reheat it.