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Author Topic: Two Options  (Read 23586 times)

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #210 on: May 18, 2007, 07:07:28 PM »
Of course with $1 millions dollars you could buy many brownies, but if you decide to blackmail for a plate of delicious homemade brownies you have two options.

Accept the brownies and hand over the porn or Accept the brownies and post the pics on the internet anyways

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

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Offline Allama

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #211 on: May 18, 2007, 07:23:28 PM »
Of course, it'd be better to post them on the internet anyway (you'd have porn AND brownies, what could be better?), but if you decide to be honest and hand over all the porn you will eventually get bored and need something else to do.  In this case, you have two options:

You can either seek entertainment at the movie theatre or go to a real theatre.

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #212 on: May 18, 2007, 07:36:25 PM »
Of course legitimate theater is always better then a simple movie, so when you go to the movies you have two options

Cookie cutter written college buddy movie; or
Nothing but pointless gore and screaming movie.

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

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Offline Trey

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #213 on: May 18, 2007, 10:13:32 PM »
Of course it would be better to watch the pointless gore and screaming movie (Grindhouse), but if you watch, for the millionth time, the cookie cutter written college buddy movie, you can either:

Watch the entire movie as your IQ plummets to zero
Go on a rampage, shooting up the movie theater, getting caught and shot by the police, and ending up in hell...AGAIN.
"I believe every single person is extraordinary. The tragedy is that we
have a society where too many people never get to fulfill that
extraordinary potential. My view – the liberal view – is that
government’s job is to help them to do it. Not to tell people how to
live their lives. But to make their choices possible, to release their
potential, no matter who they are. The way to do that is to take power away from those who hoard it. To challenge vested interests. To break down privilege. To clear out the bottlenecks in our society that block opportunity and block progress. And so give everyone a chance to live the life they want." - Nick Clegg, Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Offline New History lovers

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #214 on: May 20, 2007, 06:00:23 PM »
Of course, an IQ drop could only do well for your extreme boredom, but going to Hell suits you, you have two options:

Die and go to Hell's Hell; or
Die and go to Hell's Heaven.

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #215 on: May 20, 2007, 07:36:51 PM »
Of course Hell's hell would be better, but in hell's heaven you have two options.

Use one of the old methods to get out of hell; or
Think up a new way to keep the demons on their feet

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

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Offline Larry

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #216 on: May 20, 2007, 08:06:02 PM »
Of course, it's better to stick with what you know, but if you think of a new strategy you have two options:

Ask nicely to be released; or
Plan a complex scheme involving several potatoes and a walrus
Enigmatic Comrade of The Party

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Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #217 on: May 21, 2007, 02:39:03 AM »
Of course a nice simple asking would be best, but with a complex scheme you can either...

Just get the potatoes and Walruses together and hope the details resolve themselves; or
Sit down and figure out just how you'll make this craziness work

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Larry

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #218 on: May 21, 2007, 07:39:16 AM »
Of course, it would be better to work out all the details, but if you just collect up all the components you have two options:

Steal a walrus from the zoo of Hell; or
Find a nice patch of soil to grow potatoes
Enigmatic Comrade of The Party

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Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #219 on: May 22, 2007, 05:45:10 AM »
Of course it'd be better to keep the options straight, but if you find a nice patch of soil in which to grow Walri you have two options

Find a walrus willing to plant it's seed in the ground; or
try sprout a clone from a walrus tusk

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Larry

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #220 on: May 22, 2007, 06:46:01 AM »
Of course, it would be better to get the walrus seed directly from a walrus, but if you try to clone one you have two options:

It works; or
It doesn't
Enigmatic Comrade of The Party

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Offline Allama

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #221 on: May 22, 2007, 01:29:08 PM »
Of course, it would be better if it failed so you'd be forced to come up with a better plan, but if it works you have two options:

You can either wait until they mature fully or you can pull them out of their tube a week early.

Offline Larry

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #222 on: May 22, 2007, 05:25:30 PM »
Of course, it would be better to wait until they're ready but if you jeopardise the entire plan by being impatient you have two options:

Get eaten by half-grown mutant walri; or
Tame the half-grown mutant walri
Enigmatic Comrade of The Party

Those who forget the pasta are doomed to reheat it.

Offline orsis

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #223 on: May 22, 2007, 05:48:34 PM »
of course it would be better if u tamed the walri but if u get eaten by 1 u have 2 options:

fight ur way out
or learn to be a symbiote of the beast
Even the most primitive weapons can still cause pain! (if only for the camel)

Offline Tacolicious

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Re: Two Options
« Reply #224 on: May 22, 2007, 11:27:28 PM »
Of course it'd be better to merge with the Walri, but if you fight you're way out you have two options. Either you fight your way out the mouth, or... well.... there's really only one other way out of a walrus and I think we all know what it is... ewww...

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party