Well Taco, I think it's time for my version:
Trey's Guide to making legible sentences
Greetings class, and thanks for coming back! Today we're going to look at another trademark Barakarin "Screw Spelling and Grammar" sentence and work on a way to clean it up. Now take a look at this sentence here:
gtabs all the ones that has chiclte and ware warm and moist
Alright then, so who can find and fix the first problem? That's right, sentences start with a capital, so let's fix that first!
Gtabs all the ones that has chiclte and ware warm and moist
Next we'll fix the spelling so all the most obvious (re: stupid) errors are fixed:
Grabs all the ones that has chocolate and were warm and moist
Also, "has" is singular, but since Bara is grabbing multiple "ones" (cookies), he needs to use the word "have", right class? Let's fix that mistake...
Grabs all the ones that have chocolate and were warm and moist
Now then, sentences have something called a "subject"; this is what the sentence is talking about, in the example the subject is "ones", not exactly very clear, is it now?
Grabs all the cookies that have chocolate and were warm and moist
Now we'll add some clarity to the "Grabs" part... we need to know who is doing the grabbing in order to organize this a lot better:
Bara grabs all the cookies that have chocolate and were warm and moist
Also, we that speak English use little things called periods. They go at the end of sentences. Let's try it, shall we...
Bara grabs all the cookies that have chocolate and were warm and moist.
Next...if the cookies
have chocolate, then they
are warm and moist. If they
had, then they
were moist. So, guess what we do now...
Bara grabs all the cookies that have chocolate and are warm and moist.
Handy little tip:
In the Taijitu forum, we typically use an asterisk (*) at the beginning and the end of sentences that involve us speaking in the third person.
So we'll (we will, not "well") fix that too:
*Bara grabs all the cookies that have chocolate and are warm and moist.*
Our new sentence is quite different, but much easier to read. Wouldn't you agree? Let's put them side by side for a comparison.
*Bara grabs all the cookies that have chocolate and are warm and moist.*
gtabs all the ones that has chiclte and ware warm and moist
*bell rings* Alright, class dismissed. We'll be back...I'm sure.