News: Let us make the whole region resound with the song of We Are The Happiest People in NationStates.
Players;God-> Officiates undertakings in the game.Mafioso (x1)-> Kills one person each night/round.Cop (x2)-> Tries to figure out who the Mafioso is, each sheriff can accuse one person. Doctor (x1)-> May heal or save one person each night. The catch is the Doctor cannot know who the Mafioso has killed. If the Doctor heals correctly, that person is saved.Citizen (x3+)-> Acts like the jury each night, tries to catch the Mafioso (there must be a simple majority as to the Jury's choice. Any player may be accused/found guilty by the jury. If the Jury finds a player guilty and they are not... they still die). The minimum that we need to play is 3. More can be added.
And fyi, the only two places I play this in RL are Theatre Camp, and Show Choir parties.