oh i remember that, more than once actually, but its not the same thing as unification, England would be part of a single nation. and yes it was portugal and spain, the prince that 'fell off the horse' was portuguese to marry some princess in spain and create an Iberian nation.
about the funny things, of the Independence of Portugal, 1st king of Portugal locked his mother in a castle towards so she couldnt prevent the creation of Portugal. Later on, our blood line broke, and for some magical powers, the king of Spain Filipe II, become king of Portugal Filipe I, after 3 dinasties, Filipe III of spain=Filipe II of Portugal, Filipe IV of spain=Filipe III of Portugal, we got fed up, there's a story about a diplomat that locked himself in a (how you call those big cases to put cloths on..?) that, and got trowed out the window with the diplomat inside, i dont recall if there was any other diplomat thrown off the window.