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Author Topic: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons  (Read 8940 times)

Offline Latagon

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #150 on: June 08, 2007, 03:21:57 AM »
Game shall commence when we get the damn Fantasy sub-forum here.

Ok, can't wait.

Offline Tshern

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #151 on: June 14, 2007, 02:39:11 PM »
So there's actually no guarantee that we even start the game, right?

Offline Solnath

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #152 on: June 14, 2007, 05:44:03 PM »
Well... yes.

Post your character sheets there and we'll get the show on the road!
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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #153 on: June 14, 2007, 06:09:15 PM »
I'm jumping off the train on this one, I lost the original character sheet (the lvl 9 Character I was supposed to remake at lvl 2 for this RP) :'(

Join the Word Bearer legion and brin glory to the dark gods! Taijitu stalker extraordinaire - no Taijituan presses a key without my knowledge, Resident Cannibal - I prefer females, Resident ginormous dragon - It is not a good idea to mess with a dragon who is packing heavy firepower

Offline Solnath

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #154 on: June 16, 2007, 11:53:27 PM »
Damn. That's too bad, although you would have time to make a new one from scratch. But as for the rest of you, hop hop!
Neutral Evil

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #155 on: June 17, 2007, 11:57:14 AM »
My sheet is in the thread now, when do we start?


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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #156 on: June 17, 2007, 05:52:49 PM »
Basic Role-Playing Questions
Here are the very basic "12 Questions" to help you flesh out your character into something more than "my guy".

What is your character's complete physical description? What is his/her race, age, height, weight, build? Hair color, length and type? Eye and skin tone? Unusual marks or scars? Bearing and usual demeanor? Typical garb (include multiple scenarios, if appropriate)?
She is human early 20's not particularly tall 5'6ish, buxum so a little on the heavy side (gotta love curves) brown hair down to back, blue eyes and relatively pale (but tans rather then burns its due to her not getting out much). no unusual marks or scars (sometimes missing eyebrows) usual demeanor calm and collected slightly furtive.  Usual garb is sensible clothing (sometimes trousers sometimes skirts) well made and hard wearing but not that pretty.

What is your character's complete psychological description? What are his/her ethics, religion, philosophy, and deity? What kind of personality and interests does he/she have? Is he/she intense, passionate, prone to violence, insane, crafty, etc?
She is ethical to a degree (i.e. she's not evil but then she's not good (neutral) she has a high regard for law but views it as being something that happens to other people. Thinks gods exist but are mearly incredibly powerful immortal beings she thinks of god hood as a logical career progression for powerful magic users.  She is calm with a slightly abrasive personality that is until she comes into contact with or starts casting magic when she gets a bit weird (think drunk on magic), is convinced that there is a way to combine wizardry and sorcery together to get something of disturbing power.

What are your characters hobbies? What does your character generally do in his/her leisure time? What does your character do to "unwind"?
Magic is both her trade and her hobby as such most of her time is spent on it however she also likes to read and has been known to drink excessivly.

Why does your character have the class, weapon proficiencies, skills, and languages that he/she does?
With her inherent gift for magic as well as her love of words and obsession with power she has learnt as many languages as possible as well as some skills to help her survive in the world.

What are your character's favorite things? Colors, smells, foods, drinks, sounds, animals, locations, etc.
well made goods especially those of silver and non precious metals, blue and green likes wines ciders and spirits the sound of wind in the trees good food, books, new languages new places.

What are your character's least favorite things?
Big green things with big teeth, things with magic resistance, people who destroy books, animals in general, men who think they are the gods gift.

Who are your character's current friends, lovers, allies and associates? What is the nature and intensity of these relationships?
Her mother and father a pair of mystic theurges (sorcerer/druid and wizard/cleric respectivly) who she writes home to every available oppotunity, her sister an alchemist obsessed that anything magic can do science can do better and thats about it at the moment.  While she might not show it if she comes to like people then she will do a lot to help them out.

Who and what are your character's enemies and foes? Are these based on personal experience, second-hand encounters, cultural biases, etc?
doesn't hugely dislike anyone really (well not enought for them to be called enemies)

Does your character have any pets, henchbeings or constant companions? Does your character want any?
She has no one really her last horse having to be eaten during a harse winter in the mountains, she wouldn't mind a few good friends to move about with.
What were your character's previous adventures and experiences? How have they shaped who your character is today?
She has wondered the world finding libraries tombs and temples looking for clues in her quest to understand magic and so understanding it to shape it to her will (mwahahahahahahahah)

What are your character's attitudes, habits and vices? Does he/she drink, smoke, do drugs, have sex, gamble, steal, etc? She likes everyone except halflings who she is convinced are the root of all evil in the world, she drinks to excess but doesn't really bother her and when she's had enough to loosen up she will sometimes hit on people though it is unclear whether she is mearly messing with them.

What are your character's fears, phobias and issues? Do you have unresolved childhood traumas?
No real problems apart from ramppent ego and a slight evil bad guy complex (if ever she starts cackling while stroking a new magic item and calling it precious then it is time that she take some of the little blue tablets in a jar in her backpack)

Where does your character call home? Why? Have there been previous "homes"? Is your character a wanderer? she is a wanderer by necessity rather then choice but she still thinks of her parents home in the mountains next to the lake as home

More Role-Playing Questions
Here are the "24 Questions" to help get some additional insight into your character's personality and history.

Your character needs a horse for a long journey. Describe the steed's size, coloring, build, training and personality. Would your character rather make use of an exotic mount and/or use an esoteric manner of travel?
As long as it gets you there who cares (though if its a comfertable way of getting there even better)

What are your character's views on death and dying? What would be the "perfect death"? What would be a shallow or meaningless death? If your character has already died and been raised, how has this experience changed your views?
Death is something that happens to other people

From your character's viewpoint, which is better, being loved or feared? If the answer varies according to situation, please explain.
love minions who fear you spend too much time trying to cover up their mistakes

Why is your character an adventurer? Is it the money? The magic? The power? The challenge? The excitement? The hand of Fate? Some combination of these?
magic power oooh sends a shiver down the back of the neck don't it

You return to a comfortable way-side inn that has housed you in comfort numerous times over the years. You find that the kindly family has just been threatened, beaten and robbed. You have the means to track down the guilty bandits. What do you do? Would your answer change if members of the tavern-master's family were killed or raped?
Wait I get to blow people up and its in the cause of good (and good cooking)? how do you want your bandit rare medium or well done?

Would your character be comfortable being reincarnated? Why (not)? (Remember, when a person is reincarnated, they often experience a fundamental shift in their personality. How would your character cope with this?)
Reincarnation is for people who arn't already perfect so cough up for the true reserection already

What was your character like as a child? How were you treated? Have you changed much? Was your character a late-bloomer, a wimp, a bully, a nerd, a snitch, a klutz or a rascal?  a dreamer and a bit of a nerd and no just gotangrierr since then

Who were your character's childhood friends and companions? Were there strong bonds between you? Where are these friends now? my sister and that was it and we're still good rivals as ever

What would provoke you to murder someone (not kill -- actually hunt down, stalk and slay without mercy)? This assumes the victim is of your same race, sex and social status.
they damaged my books or hurt my friends (or insulted my palet die bad chefs of the world die)

What are your character's strongest traits, personality-wise? What do others see in you? Do you agree? Do you as the character agree?
Sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm scathing wit respectivly

What emotions can your character express easily to others? Which are more difficult? Which do you hide from others?
Annoyance, but difficult to express friendship

What is your relationship with your god(s)? Are you devout? Do you feel that you have a personal relationship with the deity or more of an impersonal tie to the church and/or the social organization it represents?
Have respectful approach but don't feel that they need your worship

What were your thoughts the first time your character took a life (you may choose whether it was sentient or not)? How did this effect you?
I love the smell of burning goblin in the morning it smells like victory bwahahahahahahahaha

What is event or characteristic is your character most proud of? What meaning does this have in your life? Does your character display this pride openly or is it a personal matter?
her ability with magic

If you could live anywhere in the multiverse, where would it be and why? Would you bring others with you? If you are tied to one location, would you change the traits of that area?  Can't answer this not good witht he official D&D worlds

If you could have any one thing, what would it be? What purpose would you put it to? ultimate power to gain ultimate knowledge to become a god

What is your character's greatest ambition? Do you have life-goal? Do you merely follow where events lead you?
To wrest the power of the universe from the very gods themselves

What is your character's family like? Your parents, siblings, cousins, home town, etc. Do you still think about them? Do you still see them?
covered already

How does your character see others? What is your character's self-image in the eyes of others, as perceived by the character? Is this different than the player's viewpoint?
others are useful tools (except for friends) She thinks that to look upon her is to look at perfection itself (yeah from my point of view not so much)

What is your character's most prized possession and why? What would you do if it was stolen? If it was lost? If it was willfully destroyed?
Books as knowledge=power and power=good, kill those responsible in horrible ways

If your character had a wish, what would it be? Please be as long-winded as possible! again to destroy the gods and rule over the universe as its sole all powerful master

Why has your character taken your particular alignment? What relationship does your character feel towards others of his ethos? Is your character evangelistic in this regard?
NN due to the fact that this means she can do whatever needs to be done to get her goals but that she doesn'tparticularlyy want to harm anyone she doesn't need to

Who is your character's best friend(s)? Would you sacrifice your life for this/these people? What is the basis of your relationship?  family and possibly

If your character was suddenly catapulted onto 20th century Earth, how would you live? What profession would you pursue? Describe your probable life-style (vagabond, married with children, socialite, etc)?
probably nuclear physicist or biologist of somekind

Advanced Role-Playing Questions
Here are the other "24 Questions" (for a full 48) to help get an even better grasp on your character's personna.

What animal or creature best symbolizes your character? Which traits do the two share? Which are different? Is this creature or beast the same as your totemic animal? If not, why not?
honestly don't know

How does your character view life? Is it a puzzle? A challenge? A stream of events? How does your character fit in? Does your character care? as being shoddily put together and she'll just have to organise it better.

What is your character most afraid of? Why? Is your character aware of this fear? What would your character do when confronted by this fear? Halflings irrational fear) probably kill them messily at the first sign of provercation.

What was your favorite adventure? Why? robbing the tomb of oglar the wordy because he had books many books.

How do you feel about stealing? What justification do you need? How far would you go to steal/recover something? Do you see adventuring as robbery (of poor orcs/ogres/dragons/etc) or justice?
if they attacked me they had it coming
Do you feel you risk your life when you adventure? Why (not)? Have you ever thought about the odds of survival? Do you care? Yes I risk my life but I'm not foolhardy

Are you a virgin? If not, what was your first time like -- the partner, the experience, the relationship, etc? Either way, how has this affected your life? She is

What secrets does your character keep? How personal are they? Whom do/would you confide in?  no paticular secrets but if she liked someone (friend or romnace) she'd have difficulty telling them

Does your character like him/herself? Why (not)? Do you as the player agree? swings between really liking self and massive insecurity often doesn't come out.

What characteristic are you most interested in improving? Why? How would this change your life? magical abilites due to aformentuned god plan.

Are you a fairly independent person? How often do you ask others for aid? How well do you work in a group? farely independent but realises that somepeople are better at certain things then her.

How does your character react to clerics and other "god-servants"? Do you hold people or things as sacred? How do you feel about rival deities and faiths? clerics and other magic using people are all part of her world and she is fine with them existing as long as they don't get in the way.

How easy is it for you to kill? Do you limit yourself to slaying only monsters? Only non-humanoids? Animals? Do you ever try to restrain foes with non-lethal force? What are your limits?  if they are my enemy they die.

Do you believe in destiny? Do you have a specific destiny to fulfill? How does this belief color your decisions? She is convinced she will end up overthorwing the gods and replacing them.

What fallacies or myths do you believe in? Examples: psionic powers/drow/spell-jamming don't exist, Oerth is flat, all witches are evil, DC is NOT God, etc. Please keep in mind your cultural biases.  none paticulaly excep tthat halflings are the source of all evil

What magical item does your character most want? Why? anything tht boosts magical power or armour you can use while casting.

If you could change any one thing about your character, what would it be? Why? Would the character also want to change this? more mentally stable

Do you want to have a family and/or children? Why (not)? If your character is part of a lineage, explain what that ancestral connection means to you. uninterested in children proud of long line of magic users.

If your character could become some other person or creature what would it be? Why does your character feel this way? As the player, do you agree/feel this is a valid reason? dragon for the power.

What is your definition of happiness? Have you ever achieved this? What would you do to achieve this state (again)? Blowing things up yes and blow things up

What would you as the player most like to see happen to your character? Why? end up as a gmore happy less insane person

Do you believe in Law or Justice? Which is more important, the Ends or the Means? If your answers vary with the situation, please explain. justice (especially for her)
Have you ever been in love? With whom and when? What would you do to achieve a strong and healthy romantic relationship?  no
If your character was born and raised in our 20th century Earth, how would you live? What profession would you pursue? What kind of car would you drive? Your favorite band? Describe your probable life-style (vagabond, married with children, socialite, etc)? Ecentric scientist (probably nuclear physics or genetics )
I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!


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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #157 on: June 17, 2007, 05:53:50 PM »
Are you allowing use of the complete spell book?

I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!

Offline Solnath

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #158 on: June 17, 2007, 07:05:50 PM »
What do you mean with "the complete spellbook?"
Neutral Evil

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #159 on: June 17, 2007, 07:13:33 PM »
will there be cookies?
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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #160 on: June 18, 2007, 01:04:56 PM »

I meant spell compendium got too many systems running in my head (complete spell book is six pillars I think oopsie)
I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #161 on: June 19, 2007, 07:11:45 PM »
its ok now you just need a character sheet.

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #162 on: June 20, 2007, 01:11:21 PM »
I did one on the D&D character sheet thread using the one before as a model (admittedly changed it so it fit with the book more...)
I don't have anger issues I just prefer to solve my problems with violence!

Offline Solnath

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #163 on: June 20, 2007, 10:35:21 PM »
SC? Hmm... I'll say yes and I'll keep Tshern and the banstick handy.
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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #164 on: June 22, 2007, 08:16:09 PM »
There's nothing wrong with Spell compendium itself, it's basically just a collection of spells published in the Complete series, Player's handbook and a handful of campaign specific books and parts of PHB2. Sure, there are a few new spells, but for most parts it simply gathers together a bunch of spells so that they are easy to find. On top of that, Cleric and Wizards get more new spells than Druids. Damn it!