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Author Topic: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons  (Read 8950 times)

Offline Solnath

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #120 on: May 15, 2007, 05:22:42 PM »
Or the SRD if you don't have the books.
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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #121 on: May 15, 2007, 07:27:49 PM »
Name: Der'Sidhe Adena  other common alius: "Maura" "Lilith"
Class(es): Bard
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Good

STR: 10 (0)
DEX: 12 (1)
CON: 10 (0)
INT: 14 (2)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 18 (4)

AC: 13
BAB: +1
Fortitude save: 0
Reflex save: 4
Will save: 2

appraise 4
balance 3
bluff 9
climb 2
concentration 2
craft (cooking) 4
decipher script 4
diplomacy 8
gather information 6
intimidate 6
knowledge (history) 4
knowledge (nature) 4
-oratory 8
-string instruments 7
-wind instruments 8
-sing 8
sense motive 1
sleight of hand 3
spellcraft 4
use magical device 6

Feats: Combat Casting, Extra Music

Special qualities: Raised by elves so she lives by an elven mind set.

Spells Known:

0 level: Prestidigitation, Light, Ghost Sound, Summon Instrument, Mending

1st level: Charm Person, Unseen Servant

Language: Common, Elven, Undercommon

Inventory: Leather armor, rapier, covered wagon more like a carriage realy, light warhorse, clothing, 2lbs soap, mirror, make up kit,  violin, flute, various scripts and songs in various cases, 2 wagon wheels, 20 days worth of rations, needle, thread, backpack, bedroll, bottle of water from home, flint and steel, tent, waterskin, whetstone, cook ware, 3 bags of feed, 4 torches

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline Tshern

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #122 on: May 15, 2007, 08:56:41 PM »
Soly said there's no need to list any generic adventure equipment, such as tents, flint & steel and stuff like that. Is this still the case or should I update my inventory?

Offline Khem

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #123 on: May 15, 2007, 09:06:10 PM »
meh i just felt like listing it either way.

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline Solnath

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #124 on: May 15, 2007, 09:23:41 PM »
I said that?

All equipment must be accounted for, the very basics (clothing, backpacks, candles of invocation (which are banned)) are not included in the 999gp.
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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #125 on: May 15, 2007, 09:33:05 PM »
also i can't have her selling off her elven clothes it just won't happen, yes most of her gear is of elven make.

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline Tshern

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #126 on: May 15, 2007, 10:12:17 PM »
Heck, I can even show you the discussion from my logs. Well, I'll get to business and edit the gear in.

Offline Khem

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #127 on: May 23, 2007, 07:17:38 AM »
sooooo bump!

Peoples Confederation of Holy Isles of al'Khem
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Offline The Empire

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #128 on: May 23, 2007, 09:13:54 AM »
Okay, I have found my character sheet but I noticed a slight problem, I have to back-track the char from lvl. 9 to lvl.2 when it comes to HP and skills, redo the inventory and redo the stats (they were rolled with 5d6 choosing the best three dice from each roll, compiling three series of stat rolls choosing the best series) Thus giving way above average values wich has to be remade to fit.
Anyway, he is a Dwarven monk named Nurrim Noradar with the lvl1 feat "Hidden talent" as a non-class feat. He specializes on heavy blows.
At lvl 8 in the latest adventure, he punched a "large" (adolecent, no damage reductions) brass dragon in the gut for over 45hp in a single blow (full round action)

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Offline Solnath

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #129 on: May 23, 2007, 11:01:38 AM »
Sounds good, where's that feat from, though?
Neutral Evil

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #130 on: May 23, 2007, 02:07:03 PM »
Complete psionics I think, the feat gives 2 psionic power points and allows one to develop the character with other psionic abilities without actually going a psi-class and to become psionically focused for as long as one's character retains psionic power points.
In this monk's case it also gives the ability "touch of health" which means he can heal 2HP/spent psionc power point.
Not very powerful but very colourful for a gregorian-style monk.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2007, 02:17:11 PM by The Empire »

Join the Word Bearer legion and brin glory to the dark gods! Taijitu stalker extraordinaire - no Taijituan presses a key without my knowledge, Resident Cannibal - I prefer females, Resident ginormous dragon - It is not a good idea to mess with a dragon who is packing heavy firepower

Offline Solnath

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #131 on: May 23, 2007, 02:42:42 PM »
I suppose you mean "wild talent" from the Expanded Psionics Handbook, but that's okay.
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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #133 on: May 23, 2007, 07:04:12 PM »
Naw, I know it isn't wild talent, though it might be the same book. because in the book we took it from there were two different feats with similiar effects, one "wild talent" and one "hidden talent" anyway, I would recognize the cover if I saw a pic.
Also, we fudged up a psionic "band of mighty fist" that would cost about 6k(gp) or 8k(gp) for +1 if I remember correctly, but those won't be an issue until I can afford them....

Join the Word Bearer legion and brin glory to the dark gods! Taijitu stalker extraordinaire - no Taijituan presses a key without my knowledge, Resident Cannibal - I prefer females, Resident ginormous dragon - It is not a good idea to mess with a dragon who is packing heavy firepower

Offline Latagon

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Re: Dark underground prisons & Flying reptiles with breath weapons
« Reply #134 on: May 23, 2007, 09:35:38 PM »
So, uh...when are we starting?