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Author Topic: The Sun  (Read 6712 times)

Offline tak

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Takasian Royal Family Safe from Assassination Attempt
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2007, 07:16:15 AM »
There were assassination attempts, reportedly by some Uichi Ryan terrorist groups, at the royal wedding at the Tagirstani capital of Tagshknet. The Tagirstani royal family, rather than ours, were suspected to be the primary target. Thanks to the agile security force operated by a number of countries, the attempts failed and the assassins disappeared. While reports claimed that they were shot dead and dissolved on the spot, we suspect that the assassins had actually escaped or blended into the crowd. Are the governments involved hiding some important facts from our concerning citizens? We demand explanations!

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AC Milanou The Champion of la Liga
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2007, 08:56:54 AM »
With the 2-0 win in Toadloose against the Aerobuzz, AC Milanou has won the first champion of la Liga Takasia one match before the last. Milanou fans in Milanou and Toadloose were all celebrating in the Piazza and Stadium respectively.

Together with the 0-2 defeat of St. Takaburger King to Trouthind Sunshine, AC Milanou has secured a nine-point lead to the closest competitor. Bayern Munching, currently three points behind the capital team, still has a very slim chance to secure the runner=up position.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2007, 09:00:22 AM by tak »

Offline Delfos

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Re: The Sun
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2007, 11:53:01 AM »
AC Milanou seems interested in Gorban Drulovic from the Boyengrado Star. We heard there will be billions involved, there's no reason for it if Boyengrado Star wasn't on an heavy debt! Football capitalism shows fruits of the unbalance between large bankrupted football clubs leveled with weak League of Honor football clubs against the big corporations behind big clubs.

Offline tak

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Foreign Relations Letter Leaked
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2007, 11:57:39 AM »
The Sun, with the help of undisclosed informants, have acquired the following letter which is believed to be confidential communication between Takasia and the imperial government of the Cree Tribes:

Quote from: aurelius diplomas
To: Emperor Paul I of the Cree Tribes
From: Royal Takasia Foreign Relations

We would like to extend the relationship between our nations by an embassy exchange. While we recognize you as the legitimate ruler of your nation, we do not wish to take side of the conflict. Takasia is willing to host peace talk between your government and the Red Liberation Front. We wish you could consider the offer carefully.

Head of Foreign Relations, Aurelius Diplomas
« Last Edit: June 11, 2007, 12:34:40 PM by tak »

Offline Delfos

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Re: The Sun
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2007, 06:18:02 PM »
Censoring brought to you by St Oz Cartography Always a spot on the map for you

*with all those images flashing and panoramic views of landscape and monuments, ending with "we are waiting for you in...Wonderful New Delfos."*

Offline tak

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Peace Summit Sabotaged
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2007, 10:07:09 AM »
The Summer Palace was bombarded by terrorists this afternoon. It is rumoured to be related to the southern separatist movement.

The Sun urge the government to step up military in the southern region, and work with Talstadters and Confederate Freedomites to demolish and uproot the terrorist base. We believe that exterminating the entire race that fuel the movement is the ultimate way to ensure peace and stability in our southeastern region.

Offline tak

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Delfians Behind the Palace Attack Again?
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2007, 06:03:38 AM »
Soon after the Summer Palace attack, there were Delfian military movements against St. Takasburg. This makes us believe that Delfians were behind the attack. Are they in any collaborations with the southern seperatist movements? Or did the Delfians plot the attack alone, targeting Takasians and their foreign friends in the Peace Summit? What are the motives behind the attack?

Some unamed security officials has informed the Sun that they have their nuclear missiles siming at the Delfian capital right after the attack. This move should confirm our prediction that the Delfians are indeed involved in the palace attack.

Offline Delfos

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Re: The Sun
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2007, 08:28:47 AM »
BREAKING NEWS * Delfian Air Force squadron hit in Takasia after a distress call from Councilor Kazi in the Peace Summit *

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More Suspects for the Palace Bombing?
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2007, 01:27:45 AM »
Apart from the Delfians, who we have already known to be behind the Palace Bombing, Mountain Men, an obscure group active in the borders of Takasia, Talstadt and Confederate Freedom, were also thought to be linked. The group were the mastermind of several attacks in Talstadt, which include attempted assassination of the Talmanner head of state.

While it was still unclear why the Mountain Men has targeted Takasia, we see the collaboration between the terrorist group and New Delfos a great threat to our country and neighbours. The regional governments must act to keep our lives safe and countries secure.

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Wave of violence on Takasburg outskirts
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2007, 02:19:06 AM »
alot of disturbances and burning cars is how it can be described, the Delfian community in Takasia have tolerated the accusations and the oppression by the Takasian government until now, waves of young Delfian, even those born in Takasia have erupted in the streets to confront the authorities.

According to Fernando Pedro, he and his family have been accused of terrorism by his friends and most of the Takasians now point the finger and talk on his back.

Burned cars and specially public transports are signs of furious protesting from Delfian that until now they have been ignored and taken away from the highlight.

The police and firemen are short-handed on this.

There is around 10 Delfians in hospital from the confronts with the police, 2 policemen, and 1 Delfian killed without confirmed causes.

The 1st incident was recorded yesterday's morning, and since then it have grown, Delfians demand equal rights and they accuse Takasian government of false accusations.

Police reports say "the situation will be under control tonight", but the confronts kept going, when will this stop?

Takasian government says there won't be any change, New Delfos owes them an apology and they are still seen as terrorists.

Until now there haven't been any civilian injured beside the confront between Delfian and Takasian authorities.

When will this end?

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Takasia Finally Responded to the Delfian Threats
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2007, 02:48:20 PM »
The Takasian Government has finally responded the terrorist threats by compulsory registration schemes for Delfians. Such terrorists should have long be dealt with, but it is better late than never. With the ubiquitous RFID receivers all over the country, together with the implanted RFID and arm bands, we are certain that normal Takasians will be able to sense the Delfian threats as soon as possible.

The Sun and the general public has always wondered why the Delfians are so hostile to the very cosmopolitan Takasians. With so many different races in Takasia, Delfians here are never discrimiated against. They always seem to have problems in assimilating in Takasian society, probably due to propaganda from their home country. We believe our government has done the best decision in identifying one of the most significant source of crime and terror of the country.

We particularly thank our giant neighbour of St Oz in supporting our action in cleaning the Takasian and neighbouring society. Their eradication programme is exactly what Takasia and our neighbour should learn from.

Symbol of Terror

Delfian Terror

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Re: The Sun
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2007, 03:48:23 PM »
Unidentified Delfian: "We are sick of this, Delfians are being called terrorists, they turned our protests into terrorist actions, this government oppression must be dealt with! We must have equal rights and respect!"

This is the protest of a student in Takasburg, he has been jailed 6 times without even participating in the protests, but he promises he's now joining them. He can't go back to his family and he's going to fail the school year because of all the arrests, marked as dangerous student by his University. Some of this Delfians speak of Ethnic Cleaning by the Takasian Government that keeps silent about this cause. They are forced to wear a symbol not recognised by their homeland to mark their ethnic origin and associated with terrorism.

Another unidentified Delfian: "This is dictatorship, we're just asking for our promised rights, instead they appeal foreign countries for this ethnic cleaning!"

Fernando Pedro, the student that was interviewed 2 days ago was sanctioned and kicked out of his university, now his family don't have enough money since his scholarship was taken away.

Offline tak

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Regcentrum AG Troops Ready in Riot Infested Areas
« Reply #27 on: June 25, 2007, 12:10:59 AM »
The Regcentrum AG has arranged troops in riot infested areas all over Takasia, and will arrest any unregistered Delfians. "We are sick of these acts. They are suffocating our economy," said a standby guard in Milanou, "we need a final solution on these Delfian scums."

There were rumours that the Takasian Government have tried to arrange talks with New Delfos to send those scums back to their home country. But such request was refused. The terrorist-supporting New Delfos Government will be solely responsible for any future violence against Delfian terrorists in carrying out our "final solution to the terrorist problems".

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Re: The Sun
« Reply #28 on: June 25, 2007, 12:56:05 AM »
*Cover of the Red Star published at The Sun*

Title: "Delfian Slaughter"
Author: Frank Kriwolt
Delfingrado Modern Art Museum
Small description: Ozian killing Delfian citizens in St Oz.

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Re: The Sun
« Reply #29 on: June 25, 2007, 01:34:54 AM »
ooc: LOL that's a good picture ^