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Author Topic: The Islamic Revolutionary Military of Whereamistan  (Read 3818 times)

Offline whereamistan

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The Islamic Revolutionary Military of Whereamistan
« on: March 02, 2007, 08:45:37 AM »
The Islamic Revolutionary Military

ForCon: Delta   Threat Level: High   Battle Stations Alert
Chief Of Staff:
The Chief of the General Staff is appointed by the President, and he is responsible to the Prime Minister. The Council of Ministers is responsible to the parliament for matters of national security and the adequate preparation of the armed forces to defend the country. However, the authority to declare war and to deploy the Hajji Armed Forces to foreign countries or to allow foreign armed forces to be stationed in Whereamistan rests solely with the parliament. The actual Commander of the armed forces is the Chief of the General Staff General Ya?ar Büyükan?t who succeeded General Hilmi Özkök on August 26, 2006.

The Islamic Revolutionary Military of Whereamistan consist of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Strategic Arm and Guard. An unknown number of Abbas loyalists known as the "Martyr Corp" are believed to be around 400,000 strong [est], and boast to have 28.5million citizens enlisted in the Basji, or "Human Wave" They have pledged to defend their homeland against all who oppose. The are believed to have bomb making materials, to be used as IEDs, VBIEDs, and Suicide Attacks. Believed to control this fanatic group is Abbas' brother Mujoud Talili Moham[picture unavailable]. The Army states they have 1,300,000 active duty personnel, 720,000 of which are conscripts. An additional 400,000 on reserve can be called up. The Air Force is capable of airlifting 5 full brigades day and night. The Navy has an incredible force and is continuing to expand.

Military Age: 15-53
availability: males age 15-53: 4,443,312
fit for military service: males age 15-49: 2,493,612
Reaching Military age annually: males: 249,292
Minimum Requirement: 36 months of military service
Percent of Government Budget: 36%
Defense Spending: D$413,048,980,979.71

Current Operations:
Operation Tight Fist:
Special Martyr Divisions [Dedicated]
Operation Keep the Peace:
3 Mechanized Divisions [Dedicated]
1 Mechanized Division, 1 Armored Divisons [Ready Reserves]
2 Airmobile Brigades, 1 Airborne Brigade, 1 Special Forces Group [Engaged]
Defense Wing Three [Dedicated]
Peacekeeper Honor, Task Forces Ali, Farrak, Surface Fleet Eight [On Station]
Operation Omar:
12 Armored Divisions West [Dedicated]
14 Armored Divisions East [Dedicated]
All Home Air Fleets [On Stand By]
All Home Naval Fleets [On Station]

Home II Army II Guard II Air Force II Navy II Strategic Arm II National Police
« Last Edit: April 12, 2007, 07:51:36 AM by whereamistan »

Offline whereamistan

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Re: The Islamic Revolutionary Military of Whereamistan
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2007, 05:45:39 PM »
Islamic Revolutionary Army

Martyr Corps
Unknown Structure

Special Martyr Corps "Basji"
     28.5 million volunteers to peform "Human Wave Operations"

People's Army

Main Army Posts:
Bir Abu Rahal      
Borg El Arab
El Arish      
El Gora   
El Kharga   
El Minya      
El Minya         
El Nakab   
Karbula Defense Post
Moujmah Takil Post

60 Armored Divisions (each consisting of 2 Armored Brigades and 1 Mechanized Brigade, and 1 Artillery Brigade, 1 Air Support Group, 1 Special Troops Brigade).
12 Special Martyr Armored Divisions (Each Consisting of 2 Armored Brigades, 4 Infantry Regiments, 1 Air Support Group, 1 Special Troops Brigade).
35 Mechanized Infantry Divisions (each consisting of 1 Armored Brigade, 2 Mechanized Brigades, and 1 Artillery Brigade, 1 Air Support Group, 1 Special Troops Brigade).
55 Light Infantry Divisions (each consisting of 6 infantry regiments, 1 Mechanized Battalion, 1 Air Support Group, 1 Special Troops Brigade).

Independant Units:
14 Independent Armored Brigades.
8 Independent Mechanized Brigades.
21 Independent Infantry Regiments.
10 Airmobile Brigade.
10 Airborne Brigade.
6 Commando Groups.
15 Independent Artillery Brigades.
2 Heavy mortar Brigades
2 SSM Brigades {one with 9 Batteries of FROG-7 and Sakr-80 and one with 9 Batteries of Scud-B Project-T (an enhanced Scud-C) } Each Battery consist of 6 Launchers with two reloads each.

Military Hierarchy:
Divison = 3 Brigades
Brigade = 3 Battalions
Battalion = 8 Companies
Company = 3 Platoons/1 Specialty Section
Platoon/Section = 3 Squads
Squad = 3 Fireteams
Fireteam = 4 soldier

    Armored Brigade
Main Battle Tanks
Chiorny Oriol (Black Eagle)
M-95 Degman
T-84 Oplot
M1 Phalanx Main Battle Tank


Special Martyr Armored Brigade
Medium Tanks
T-34/85 Model 1944


  Mechanized Infantry Brigade
Armored Personnel Carriers
The 1337 Ahmsohoornee Rhino

Infantry Fighting Vehicles

Trucks & Jeeps

   Infantry Regiments
      3,000 AK-74U assault rifles
      3,000 GP-30 Underbarrel Grenade Launchers
      3,000 PMM Marakov pistols
      250 SV-98 Sniper Rifles
      250 Pecheneg GPMG
      250 Saiga-12 shotguns
      250 A-5 submachine guns
      100 KPV heavy machine guns
      100 Kornet E shoulder-fired anti-tank missile launchers

 Airborne Regiment
          3,960 T-10C Parachutes
          3,960 Ak-74Us
          3,960 GP-30s
          3,960 Makarov PMMs
          1,480 Pecheneg GPMGs
          640 SV-98 rifles

  Artillery Battery

Self Propelled Artillery
2S-7 Pion 203mm
2S-3 Akatsiya 152mm
240-mm Self-propelled Mortar
2S4 "Tulpan"
120-mm Self-Propelled Artillery Gun
2S31 "Vena"
2S7A self-propelled artillery "?????? ?????" (Thunder Giant)


M1943 (D-1)
M1931 (B-4)
D-30 2A18M 122-mm Howitzer
100-mm field gun M1944 (BS-3)
M-46 130mm Towed Artillery
D-30 Lyagushka 122mm Howitzer
M06 203mm Tank Buster AT Gun

Rocket Artillery


   Anti Aircraft Section

Emplaced SAMs

SA-2 Guideline MtH1 emplaced SAM
SA-3 Goa Pechora-M M2 emplaced SAM
SA-5 Gammon MtHB1+ emplaced SAM
M1 120mm Flak Cannons “Stratosphere Guns”
Krunitov Missile Launchers w/ Ground-Launched AMRAAM’s
KS12 Anti-Aircraft/Anti-Missile Systems

AA SAM Vehicles

SA-13 Gopher
9K38 Buk-M1-2
S-400 SA-20 Triumf
ZPU1 Mobile AAA
Vodnik Anti-Aircraft Missle System
SA-4 Ganef MtH1 Mobile SAM
SA-6 Gainful LtM Mobile SAM
S60 Mobile SAM Launcher

Early Warning System

HALO Hostile Artillery Location Systems
SEPS Shortstop Electronic Protection Systems
CELLDAR Stealth Object Tracking Stations
Aura GPS Jammers
« Last Edit: April 14, 2007, 12:29:57 PM by whereamistan »

Offline whereamistan

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Re: The Islamic Revolutionary Military of Whereamistan
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2007, 06:01:23 PM »
Islamic Revolutionary Guard

Border Protection Service
The BPS is a lightly armed paramilitary unit of about 67,000 men, mostly Bedouins, responsible for border surveillance, general peacekeeping, drug interdiction, and prevention of smuggling. In the late 1980s, the force was equipped with remote sensors, night-vision binoculars, communications vehicles, and high-speed motorboats.

13 Battalion Outposts
    Abu Simbel      
    Al Arish   
    Al Rahmani            
    As Sallum            
   Aub Rudeis   
   Badr El Din      
   4 Moujmah Takil Region Outposts
   Unknown number of Checkpoints

Mechanized Battalion:
10 BMD1 Fighting Vehicles
75 Vextra 105
10 BMD1 Armored Fighting Vehicle 
200 GaZ 39371 Vodnik [ Russian Humvee]
200 Nissan Pickup Truck

Area Denial
5,000 M139 Volcano Mine Laying System
5,000,000 M-75 Scatterable Magnetic Fuse Anti-Tank Mines
5,000,000 M-74 Scatterable Anti-Personnel Mines
2,000,000 M18 Claymore Anti-Personnel Mines
2,000,000 PMN Wooden Anti-Personnel Mines
5000 Metal Storm Area Denial Systems

Coastal Guard

Coast Defenses
      500 M-499 Cavalier Coastal Defense Railguns
      500 Three Barrel 16”/50 Caliber Gun Turrets
      500 Hammerhead Supercaptivating Encapsulated Torpedoes
     1000 Mk 60 Encapsulated Torpedoes
     100 AN/SSQ-58B Retrievable Moored Passive Sonobuoy

       12 Attack Helicopter Squadrons

Coast Guard Naval Assets
      Coastal Defense Squadrons Alpha-Delta

Coastal Defense Squadron
      25 Krivak Class Frigates
      32  Bergstein Class Fast Attack Missile Boat
      40 Sukanya Class Large Patrol Ships
      80 Cyclone Class Coastal Partol Ships
      16 Typhoon class submarine
      12  Oscar class submarine
« Last Edit: March 03, 2007, 06:08:31 PM by whereamistan »

Offline whereamistan

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Re: The Islamic Revolutionary Military of Whereamistan
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2007, 06:15:52 PM »
Islamic Revolutionary Air Force

Air Force

Air Bases
Karbula AB
Badr AB
Talil Int'l Air Port
Moujmah Takil Air Base

Wing Commanded By Colonel.

Military Hierarchy
Wing = 5-6 Groups
Group = 1-100 Squadrons
Squadron = 2-3 Sections
Section = 4 Aircraft

     Defense Wing One:
        Fighter Group Alpha = 25 Squadrons[10 training aircraft]
        Fighter Group Bravo = 9 Squadrons[15 aircraft for training]
        Fighter Group Echo = 10 Squadrons
        Airlift Group 413 = 35 Squadrons
        Air Refueling Group = 15 Squadrons

     Defense Wing Two:
        Fighter Group 1-10 = 100 Squadrons
        Fighter Group Hotel = 10 Squadrons
        Attack Group Charlie = 10 Squadrons[10 aircraft for training]
        Airlift Group 414 = 5 Squadrons
        Air Refueling Group = 15 Squadrons
     Defense Wing Three:
        Bomber Group Delta = 10 Squadrons
        Recon Group Golf = 19 Squadron           
        Helicoper Attack Group Alpha = 14 Squadrons           
        Helicopter Transport Group Bravo = 16 Squadrons[5 training helicopters]
        Helicopter Attack Group Charlie = 7 Squadrons[5 training helicopters]
        Airlift Group 415 = 5 Squadrons
        Air Refueling Group = 15 Squadrons
Winged Aircraft
2,400 aircraft in service

Operational Fighters - 1287
Su-27 'Flanker-B' - 452 (150 Frontal Air Force; 200 Air Defence), are being modernized to reach Su-27SM level.
Su-30 'Flanker-C' - 20 (Frontal Air Force)
Su-33 'Flanker-D' - 24 (Navy)
Su-35 'Flanker-E' - 11 (Frontal Air Force)[4]
MiG-29 'Fulcrum' - 455 (Frontal Air Force), planned modernization to reach the MiG-29SMT level.
MiG-31 'Foxhound-A - 325 (25 Frontal Air Force; 300 Air Defence)

Operational Fighter Ground Attack Aircraft - 745 (in Air Force, not counting Navy aircraft)
Su-24M 'Fencer-D' 458 (400 Frontal Air Force; 58 Navy), planned modernization to reach Su-24M2 level.
Su-25 'Frogfoot' - 285 (275 Frontal Air Force; 10 Navy), planned modernization to reach the Su-25SM level.
Su-34 'Fullback' - 2 (Frontal Air Force)

Long Range Bombers
Tu-22M 'Backfire' - 124 (37th Air Army) 58 (Navy)

103 Strategic Bombers
Tu-95/142 'Bear' - 64 (37th Air Army), 28 (Navy)
Tu-160 'Blackjack' - 16 (37th Air Army)

180 Reconnaissance/ECM/ELINT Aircraft
Su-24MR 'Fencer-E/Su-24MP 'Fencer-F' - 79 Frontal Air Force, 20 Navy
MiG-25RB 'Foxbat-D' - 40 (in merged VVS)
A-50 'Mainstay' - 15

Transport Aircraft 222-260
Il-76 'Candid' - 210
An-72 'Coaler' - 20
An-124 'Condor' - 25

Refueling Tankers
Il-78 'Midas' - 20


Attack Helicopters 313 Aircraft[5]
Ka-50 'Hokum-A' - 16 (Special Forces)
Ka-52 'Hokum' - 9
Mi-24 'Hind' - 240 (Air Force), 20 (Navy)
Mi-28 'Havoc' - 28

Transport Helicopters 329 Aircraft
Mi-6 'Hook' - 5 (Navy)
Mi-8 'Hip' - 160 (Air Force), 35 (Navy)
Mi-14 'Haze' - 9
Mi-26 'Halo' - 25
Ka-27 'Helix' - 88 (Navy)
Ka-60 - 7
« Last Edit: March 03, 2007, 06:22:39 PM by whereamistan »

Offline whereamistan

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Re: The Islamic Revolutionary Military of Whereamistan
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2007, 06:27:14 PM »
Islamic Revolutionary Navy


3 Ports of Origin
Taji Naval Operations Base
      1 Peacekeeper
      2 Task Forces
      1 Surface Fleet
      2 Lt. Carrier Groups
      1 Lt. Mixed Carrier Group
      1 Coastal Patrol Squadron
      1 Port Security Group

Mecca Pennisula Naval Operations Base
      1 Peacekeeper
      2 Task Forces
      1 Lt. Carrier Groups
      1 Mixed Lt. Carrier Group
      1 Coastal Patrol Squadron
      1 Port Security Group

Bay of Moujmah Takil Naval Forward Base
      1 Lt. Carrier Group
      2 Mixed Lt. Carrier Groups
      1 Carrier Strike Group
      2 Coastal Patrol Squadrons


       Peacekeeper Honor, and Defensor, Prosperity
            1 Admiral Kuznetsov class aircraft carrier
            2 Moskva Class Helicopter Carrier
            2 Kirov Class Cruisers
            2 Sovremenny Class Destroyers
            1 Neustrashimy Class frigate
            4 Gepard Class Frigates
            10 Steregushchy class corvette
            12 Ivan-Rogov Class Patrol Boats
             2 Borei Class Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarines

      Task Force Land Units
             2 Mechanized Brigades
            4 Infantry Regiments

      Task Force Air Units:
           5 Attack Squadrons
           1 Bomber Squadron
           3 Helicopter Squadrons
      Light Carrier Groups One-Four
          1 Kuznetsov Class Light Carriers
          3 Resolute Class Light Cruisers
          8 Sovremenny Class Missile Destroyers
          4 Overlord Class Anti-Aircraft Friagtes
          3 Neustrashimy Class ASW Frigate

          3 Attack Squadrons
          2 Attack Helicopter Squadrons
          1 Multipurpose Helicopter Squadrons

  Mixed Light Carrier Groups Five and Six
       1 Admiral Kuznetsov class aircraft carrier
       4 Slava class cruiser
       20 Kara class cruiser
       5 Kashin class destroyer
       2 Udaloy class destroyer
       5 Sovremenniy class destroyer
       28 Neustrashimy Class frigate
       6 Kilo class submarine
       2 Safeguard Class Rescue and Salvage Ships
       2 Supply Class Fast Combat Support Ships

       2 Utility Helicopter Squadrons
       4 Attack Helicopter Squadrons
       6 Attack Squadrons

   Carrier Strike Groups Seven, Nine
       2 Orel Ul'yanovsk Class Carriers
       2 Dauntless Class Heavy Battleships
       11 Overlord Class Air Defence Frigates
       13 Sovremenny Class Missile Destroyers
       8 Amur 1850 Class Attack Submarines
       8 Kirov Class Battecruisers
       2 Utility Helicopter Squadrons
       4 Attack Helicopter Squadrons
       6 Attack Squadrons

     Surface Fleet Eight, Ten
        2 Dauntless Class Heavy Battleships
        4 Admiral Kuznetsov Class Aircraft Carrier
        1 Ulyanovsk Class Super Carrier
        2 Kiev Class Aircraft Carrier
        3 Moskva Class Helicopter Carrier
        6 Kirov Class Cruisers
        8 Resolute Class Light Cruisers
        10 Sovremenny Class Missile Destroyers
        8 Adreneline Class Guided Missile Frigates
        6 Overlord Class Air Defence Frigates
        8 Amur 1850 Class Submarines

Task Force Ali, Farrak, Hakim, Chimmok
1 Intrepid Class Super Carrier
1 Dauntless Class Heavy Battleship
1 Wasp Class Helicopter Assault Carrier
5 Kirov Class Cruisers
4 Sovremenny Class Missile Destroyers
2 Overlord Class Anti-Aircraft Frigates
1 Neustrashimy Class ASW Friagte

       2 Utility Helicopter Squadrons
       4 Attack Helicopter Squadrons
       6 Attack Squadrons
       1 Surveillance Squadron

Assault Force:
1 Landing Platoon
1 Mechanized Brigade
2 Infantry Regiments

  Port Security Groups One and Two
     10 HSV-2 Swift Class High Speed Catamarans
     20 Skjold Class Stealth Patrol Boats
     20 Pegasus II Class Hydrofoils
     20 Combat Boat 90’s
     40 Rigid-Hull Inflatable Boats

Naval Aircraft:

Yak-141 VTOL Carrier Fighter
Su-27 Carrier Fighter
MiG-29 Carrier Fighter
Su-33 Carrier Fighter
Yak-38 VTOL Carrier Fighter
Su-25 Carrier Bomber
Yak-44 VTOL Carrier Fighter

Ka-25 Hormone Anti-Submarine Helicopter
Ka-27 Helix Anti-Submarine Helicopter
Ka-28 Helix Anti-Submarine Helicopter
Ka-29 Helix Anti-Submarine Helicopter
Ka-31 Transport Helicopter
« Last Edit: March 06, 2007, 02:42:56 PM by whereamistan »

Offline whereamistan

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Re: The Islamic Revolutionary Military of Whereamistan
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2007, 06:35:09 PM »
Islamic Revolutionary Strategic Arm

Ballistic Capabilities

Silo Based:
39 S-18 Satan Silo Based ICBMs
100 Peacekeeper II Silo Based ICBMs

Mobile Platforms:
160 RT-2M Topol Mobile ICBM Platforms

Naval Assets:
96 R-29 SLBM [SSBN Borei Class Based]
100 AGM-129 Stealth ACM [Destoryer Based]
100 Tomahawk CM [Destroyer Based]
96 Trident III Fleet Ballistic Missiles [SSBN Ohio Class Based]

Airborne Assets:
1 Bomber Squadron
100 M83 Variable Yield Nuclear Bombs
100 M61 Variable Yield Bunker Busters

AeroSpace Assets:
Vigilant Surveillance Satellite 
Babylon Communications Satellite 
Genesis Communications/GPS Satellite 
Pathfinder GPS Satellite
Vanguard Missile Tracking Satellite
Vision Telescopic Satellite
Forecaster Early Warning/Weather Tracking Satellite
Zeus Command & Control Satellite 
Thor Orbital Weapon Platform Satellite
Aries ABM Satellite
Cyclops ABM Satellite 
Illuminator Target Designation Satellite

Offline whereamistan

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Re: The Islamic Revolutionary Military of Whereamistan
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2007, 06:39:04 PM »
National Police

National Police
The National Police fall under the Ministry of the Interior, however, are paramilitary.

112 Stations throughout the capital
2 stations in 510 cities, towns, villages, and colonies

Police Hierarchy
1 Station Commander
4 Shift Commanders
48 Patrol Commanders
300 Patrolmen

3 Patrols on Mobile Patrol
5 Patrols on Checkpoints
4 patrols on Force Protection[Station Defense, Corrections, Armory, Maintance, Ops, Investigations]

Equipment: [per Station]
353 AK47
353 Glock17
353 Bulletproof Vests
353 Advanced Combat Helmets

250 Mercedes S320 Police Interceptors
50 Mercedes G wagon Police Packages

20 Mi8 Hind Helicopter [ NP Headquaters only]
10 RQ-1 Krustivo UAV [NP Headquaters only]

Civil Defense/Riot Control Teams
300 Quick Reaction Teams
     50 man Teams
100 Teams in Karbula
5 Teams in 50 major cities

Equipment: [per QRT]
50 Rectangular Riot Impact Shields 20”x36”
50 Electric Shock Stun Batons
500 ABC-M25A2 Riot Control Grenades
4 Vodnik Mounted LRAD Long-Range Acoustic Devices
4 Vodnik Mounted Microwave Active Denial Systems
1 Tenix S600 Armored Water Cannon