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Author Topic: The Empire of Christstan  (Read 13749 times)

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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The Empire of Christstan
« on: July 14, 2007, 05:48:24 PM »
The Holy Empire of Christstan
God and Country above all things

Conventional: The Most Holy Empire of Christstan
Common/Legal: Empire of Christstan/ Christstan
Local Term: Das Christstan Reich

I. General Information
II. The Imperial Dynasty and the Lords
III. The Armed Forces of the Empire
IV. National Trade and Commerce
V. History of the Empire
VI. States of the Empire

« Last Edit: November 19, 2007, 01:06:43 AM by Emperor Heindrick »

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: The Empire of Christstan
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2007, 07:34:34 PM »
I. General Information

Political Organization

Capital: The Imperial City
Counties and Fiefdoms:

Official Religion: Christstan Christianity (A Protestant Christianity)

Population Statistics
Population: 1,230,000,000
Population Growth Rate: 0.48%
Ethnic Groups: Christstany German 98%, Other 2%
Religions: Christstany Christian 95%, Other Christian 4%, other 1%


Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy
Head of State: Emperor Heindrick von Weiger I
Head of Government: Emperor Heindrick von Weiger I
Chancellor: Wolfgang Steinbrück (NCP)
Imperial Cabinet:
Imperial Church Minister: Rev. Dr. Arnold Neuberger
Imperial Minister of Defense: Field Marshall Count Franz von Schtein
Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs: Dr. Erik Frei
Imperial Minister of Internal and Economic Affairs: Karl Meicht
Imperial Chairman of the Council of Lords: Duke Frederick von Gischt

Imperial Parliament
Total Seats: 455
Political Parties: 
*NationalechristlichePartei (NCP - Christian Imperialist Conservative Monarchy Party) National Christian Party - 300/455 Seats (66%)
Demokratischepartei von Christstan (DPC - Conservative Democratic Party Democratic Party of Christstan - 75/455 Seats (16%)
Die Partei von nationalen Leuten (PNL - Moderate Progressive Democratic Party) National People's Party - 40/455 (9%)
**Die Liberale Partei (DLP - Liberal Socialist Party) The Liberal party - 40/455 (9%)

*This is the Emperor's party and many members are chosen by the Emperor personally on permanently reserved seats. This is basically the ruling party due to the fact that to pass any thing you need 2/3's vote and they control these seats very firmly.
**Parties of this sort are usually banned upon formation but due to heavy restrictions on the party and with a very tight leash, the Emperor graciously allowed them to run.

Government Description
Three branches: Executive, Lead by Emperor; Legislative, lead by Chancellor (Who is chosen by Parliament and ratified by the Emperor); Judicial, lead by the Church Minister.

Judicial: All ministers of the official religion of Christianity must not only learn theology but also the law because the government churches also operate as local courts and have a hierarchy of court-churches. Each County and Feifdom is split up into townships and cities and then into neighborhoods. At each level is a church-court. At the city and township level, residents attend church on National holidays and special events. Should a case go all the way up past national level, the Church Minister will have the decision. As in all aspects, the Emperor is the final authority on everything should he feel the need to put his foot down. The Government cashes out a huge check every year for the building/renovating/paychecks/programs of the Church (1.5 Trillion).

Parliament/Legislative Branch: On it's own, it is the weakest branch due to the fact that the Emperor still retains the authority to make laws - unless Parliament overrules him with a 70% or higher vote. Any laws parliament makes are subject to the Emperor's will and veto unless overruled by a 70% or higher vote. The Emperor retains control of 20% of parliaments votes through his position and his representatives. The NCP is secured 20% of Parliament's seats, but are limited to only being able to run for 80% of the remaining seats. The Emperor retains the authority to disband Parliament entirely and also the ability to remove representatives and ban parties. parliament essentially run the day-to-day national administration with great input and initiative of the Emperor who is supposed to be very active in parliament. One thing parliament has much power to do is to Tax the counties, the Emperor then has the ability to raise or lower that tax rate by 10%. Their are National, Regional, and local parliaments all elected and lead by an official ratified by the local executive.

Executive/ Council of Lords: As the nation is split up into Fiefdoms and counties, their are hereditary, unless removed, lords who have similar powers to that of the emperor in their respective areas. Such as the fact that the Emperor can over turn a law, a Count or Duke could overturn a law in his regional parliament, disband/reorganize it and has reserved seats for himself and his party. These are basically the governors/ regional executives with a limited ability to make laws and raise taxes. Counts, Dukes and princes, who rule the large feifdoms and counties, are chosen and maintain their offices by the will of the Emperor as his executives over the land. These large lords then inturn appoint lower lords to be the executive of smaller areas. The Emperor calls all the lords together in the Council of lords to discuss matters of state, here the Emperor's wishes and plan strategy. All executives are technically the commanders of their local units, but many leave the actual command to the deputy commander who is a trained, skilled officer of the military.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 07:58:13 PM by Emperor Heindrick »

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: The Empire of Christstan
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2007, 07:56:36 PM »
II. The Imperial Dynasty and the Lords

The Imperial Dynasty
House of Weiger

His Imperial Majesty, Grand Duke Heindrick (Formerly Emperor Heindrick VI) von Weiger, By Grace of God, Grand Duke of Christstan, Father of the Empire

Age: 70
Gender: Male
Physical Description: An imposing figure of 6'2, cold blue eyes and blonde-white hair. He has a fair complexion and narrow nose.
Personality: Self-righteous, Proud, charismatic, a natural leader, commanding, slightly scary at times, highly intelligent, deeply religious.
History: Founder of Christstan, he forged the nation through his ingenuity, skill and drive. He was a former Generalfeldmarshal of Rothar before he lead his forces against the nation and founded Christstan. Since then he has ruled the county by his will and leadership. Abdicated 1130 A.D.


Her Imperial Majesty, Grand Duchess Anna (Empress Anna) von Weiger, By Grace of God, Grand Duchess of Christstan, Mother of the Empire

Age: 57
Gender: Female
Physical Description: 5'9, slender and elegant, dark blond hair and blue eyes.
Personality: Caring, Elegant, Sweet, Motherly, Charismatic, intelligent and constantly tries to keep her husband's faith in the people.
History: The girl Heindrick met upon invading Guthenburg from a very well of family. He fell for her and she married him.


His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Frederick I von Weiger, By Grace of God, Emperor of Christstan, Head of the Council of Lords, Duke of Maxony, and Commander-in-Cheif of the Glorious Imperial Army of Christstan

(bad pic, need a diff one)

Age: 38
Gender: Male
Physical Description: 6'2, Tall imposing and commanding figure. Very handsome young man.
History: Born prince of the Empire and heir to the throne, he has been raised as the Emperor belives one should be. When he was 17 he was sent to the nations top Military Academy, founded by his father, and graduated top of his class. He has entered into the Imperial Air Force and currently holds the title of Oberst. He is an Ace fighter and brilliant solider. Now he leads the nation, starting at age 37.


Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Jordan Artorion, By Grace of God, Empress of the Holy Empire of Christan, First Lady of the Empire, Crown Princess of Greater Canada


Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Anna von Weiger, By Grace of God, Princess of Christstan, Empress of Myoria

Age: 27
Gender: Female
Physical Description: 5'8, stunning and elegant
History: Born a princess, she has always stuck out from the rest by her ability to naturally draw attention to herself through the way she carries herself, enters and exits a room and by her charm. Truely the pride of her father.


His Imperial Majesty, Crown Prince Heindrick von Weiger, By Grace of God, Crown Prince of Christstan, Heir to the Imperial Throne, Count of Ravia

(need a new pic)

Age: 13
Gender: Male
Physical Description: A Tall boy, blond and blue haired
History: The First born of the union of Prince Frederick and Queen Jordan. He is energetic and very smart, being educated from a young age to inherit the throne.


Her Imperial Majesty, Princess Jordan von Weiger, By Grace of God, Princess of Chirststan

Age: 11
Gender: Female
Physical Description: Small and cute, a blond baby.
History: First daughter of Prince Frederick


His Imperial Majesty, Prince Charels von Weiger, By Grace of God, Prince of Christstan

(need a new pic)

Age: 9
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Small and cute, a young baby still very shielded from outside.
History: Second son of Prince Frederick and Queen Jordan.

Rulers and Houses of the Weiger Dynasty

Könige von Weiger; 300 B.C. - 500 A.D.
Kings of Weiger

Heindrick I (300 - 272)
Heindrick II (272 - 230)
Lorenz I (229 - 195)
Johan I (194 - 180)
Wilhelm I (181 - 170)
(Regent) Arnulf (169 - 161)
Otto I (161 - 120)
Otto II (119 - 82)
Henry I (81 - 60)
Henry II (61 - 42)
Conrad I (41 B.C. - 15 A.D.)
Frederick I (16 - 36)
Frederick II (37 - 77)
Johan II (78 - 103)
Thomas I (104 - 145)
Karl I (146 - 170)
Rule of Three (171 - 195)
- James I ( - 190)
- Johan III ( - 195)
- Karl II ( - 200)
Maximilian I (201 - 243)
Maximilian II (244 - 265)
Otto III (266 - 290)
Heindrick III(291 - 336)
Henry III (337 - 362)
James II (363 - 388)
Karl III (389 - 421)
Heindrick IV (422 - 455)
Otto IV (456 - 479)
Otto V (480 - 495)
Conrad II (496 - 500)

Kaiser von Christstan; 501 A.D. - [/b]
Emperor of Christstan

Conrad I (501 - 530) "The Sun King"
Henry I (531 - 545) "The Terrible"
Henry II (545 - 600) "The Magnificent"
Conrad II (601 - 638)
Heindrick I (639 - 657)
Wilhelm I (658 - 699) "The Old"
Heindrick II (700 - 723)
Conrad III (724 - 744)
Heindrick III (745 - 750)
Otto I (751 - 784)
Wilhelm I (785 - 801)
Lorenz I (801 - 824)
Hendrick IV (824 - 857)
Maximilian I (857 - 879)
Karl I (879 - 892)
Wilhelm II (892 - 907)
Conrad IV (907 - 927)
Conrad V (927 - 935)
Wilhelm II (935 - 940)
Heindrick V (940 - 950) - Assassinated
~ 15 Years, Throne Contested, 7 Claimants ~

Republic Age 965 - 998

Emperor Heindrick VI (998 - 1130)
Emperor Frederick I (1130 -
« Last Edit: November 20, 2007, 03:23:24 AM by Emperor Heindrick »

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: The Empire of Christstan
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2007, 01:43:49 AM »
III. The Armed Forces of the Empire
Die Streitkräfte vom Reich

Oberster Kommandant von den Kaiserlichen Streitkräften (Supreme Commander of the Imperial Armed Forces):
Generalfeldmarschall Count Franz von Schtein
Head of Führungsstab der Streitkräfte (Command Staff of the Armed Forces) [Equal to that of the American Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the British Chief of the Defense Staff.]

Total Manpower: 24,700,000

Annual spending: $898,847,793,734
Percent of Government Budget: 14%

The Imperial Army
Die Kaiserliche Heer

Cheif of Army Staff: Inspekteur des Heeres Generalleutnant Hans-Otto Budde
Total Manpower: 14,350,000

Dress Uniforms
Combat Dress

Army Ranks
General Officers
Generalfeldmarschall (Field Marshall)
Generaloberst (Colonel General)
General der Infanterie (General)
Generalleutnant (Lieutenant General)
Generalmajor (Major General)

Field Officers -
Oberst (Colonel)
Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant Colonel)
Major (Major)
Company Officers -
Hauptmann (Captain)
Oberstleutnant (First Lieutenant)
Leutnant (Second Lieutenant)

NCOs -
Stabsgefreiter (Corporal on Administrative Duty)
Obergefreiter (Corporal)
Men of the Line -
Grefreiter (Lance Corporal)
Oberschutze (Private first class)
Scutze (Private)

Arms and Vehicles: 
Infantry Arms
Heckler & Koch G36—5.56 mm x 45 assault rifle + AG36 Grenade launcher
G22—7.62 mm x 66.5B sniper rifle
Heckler & Koch MG4—5.56 mm light machine gun
Shoulder-Launched Multipurpose Assault Weapon
M136 AT4
G82—sniper rifle
KM2000—172 mm tantō style blade standard combat knife

Officer's Weapons
Heckler & Koch MP-5 -
Heckler & Koch P8—9 x 19 mm pistol

M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank
Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank
AN/VLQ-7 Stingray - AA
MT-LB Multipurpose Armored Vehicle
M6 Bradley Linebacker
Wiesel 2- Anti-Air Vehicle

Transport Vehicles
AGF Serval – Light Transport Vehicle, Main
BV 206 S (tracked armoured tranport vehicle) – For Snow/bogs

COBRA (artillery radar system)
ATMAS (artillery weather measure system)
SMA (artillery sound measure system)
M270 MLRS (270 mm multiple rocket launcher)
PzH 2000 (155 mm self-propelled howitzer), replacing M109

Tiger UHT - Attack helicopter
NHI NH90 – Transport Helicopter

MQ-1 Predator
IA-1 Minesweeper (Experimental)

The Imperial Air Force
Die Kaiserliche Luftwaffe

High Marshall of the Air Force: Reichsmarschall Viktor Ernst
Total Manpower: 4,620,000
Total Aircraft: 92,400

Dress Uniform

See Army

Arms and Vehicles:
Heckler & Koch MP-5 - Base Personnel
Heckler & Koch P8—9 x 19 mm pistol, Pilots

Transport Vehicles
AGF Serval – Light Transport Vehicle, Main
BV 206 S (tracked armoured tranport vehicle) – For Snow/bogs
M35 2-1/2 ton cargo truck, Equipment Transfer

McDonnell-Douglas F-4 Phantom II
Panavia Tornado (Fighter-Bomber, Interceptor, electronic warfare)
F-15A/B/C/D Eagle
F-15E Strike Eagle
F-16A/B/C/D Fighting Falcon
F-22A Raptor 
F-35 Lightning II

F-117A Nighthawk
B-2 Spirit
B-52 Stratofortress

Airbus A310 (For transport of Government officials)
Bombardier Challenger 600
Transall C-160

MH-53J/M Pave Low III/IV - Search and Rescue/Utility

MQ-9 Reaper
RQ-4 Global Hawk
U-2R/S Dragon Lady
E-3 Sentry

[I will continue to finish this.]
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 03:39:34 AM by Emperor Heindrick »

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: The Empire of Christstan
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2007, 07:37:33 PM »
Classified Information, Operations, and Technology
The following information is classified and thus unknown.

Classified Military Information

IA-R1 Field Sweeper
 The Imperial Arms - 1 Minesweeper is a UAV designed by Imperial Arms & Technology, a government research and manufacturing organization, it sends Ground Penatrating Radar (GPR) to detect mines. This method is much more effective than regular detectors and it has a much higher chance to detect mines. ON some designs it hass tested out to be 100%, and with others as low as 30%. This is still better than the usual 1000 False-positives to one of metal detectors.

 The aircraft is fitted with 2 camera that rotate freely on the front and bottom of the aircraft. The camera's may be set to thermal, night-vision or color. The bottom is mainly a dish that sends the GPR and receives it. It is also fitted to test the atmosphere to detect chemical weapons.

Uses: To survey the battlefield before the main force moves in. It uses thermal vision to try to find ambushes and vehicles.
Drawbacks: Must fly low in order to get better readings on mines.
Combat Tested: No
(Based on a design by the japanese where GPR is mounted to an arm on a vehicle.

 This is an add-on built right on to the standard helmet, or goggles that may be worn, that has thermal, night, and standard vision. It's thermal vision can penetrate most barriers and thus can tell where enemies are hidden or located for quite a distance.
Combat Tested: No
Drawbacks: Makes helmet heavier, in forest areas it will also pick up animals that may be thought to be enemies.

Guidance and Radar Upgrades
 Recently, advances in radar and guidance technology have allowed for the Christstany government to install 250 mile radius radar inside the more sophisticated aircraft. Further improving the superiority of Christstany air power. Also coupling with this is the ability to link aircraft radar directly into targeting systems in artillery and ground rocket fire, thus improving the accuracy and precision of Christstan's heavy firepower.

(This done in plausibility of US adding a 250 mile radar to the F-22.)
« Last Edit: November 25, 2007, 05:40:35 PM by Emperor Heindrick »

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: The Empire of Christstan
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2007, 03:27:28 PM »
IV. National Trade and Commerce
Nationaler Handel

Ministry of Internal and Commerical Affairs

Economic Overview

Gross Domestic Product (Official): $10,787,398,966,838 (As of July 18)
GDP Per Capita (Official): $8,602
Income Tax Rate: 61%
Unemployment: 11.16%

Natural Resources
[Resource Map of Christstan]
Agricultural Reasources
Animal (Cow, Horse, Poultry)
Grains (Hops, Wheat, Corn)
Seafood (Haddock, Mahi Mahi, Salmon)

Industrial Resources
Bituminous Coal
Oil (Offshore)


Agricultural Reasources
Vegetables (Soybeans, Bok Choy, Hemp) [Chinese Loyalist]
Animal (Sheep, Goat) [Chinese Loyalist]
Grain (Millet, Barley) [Chinese Loyalist]

Industrial Resources
Nickel [Chinese Loyalist]
Lumber [Chinese Loyalist]
Zinc [Chinese Loyalist]
Tungsten [Chinese Loyalist]
Kaolinite [Chinese Loyalist]
Natural Gas [Chinese Loyalist]
Manganese [Chinese Loyalist]
Titanium [Chinese Loyalist]

Major Industries: Automobile Manufacturing, Arms & Machinery Manufacturing, Mining

Major Companies:

CMG - A collection of all the various Mining organizations including government owned and operated. This corporation is extremely powerful as it is a group of the nation's most powerful mining companies. Formed so that each one could secure it's own power and not have to step on the feet of another.

Imperial Arms & Technology - The largest government organization, it builds all of the nation's arms & vehicles plus most of the other inventions spread across the county. This organization attracts the greatest minds in Christstan to work together to build many things. Most of their dealings are with government needs such as weapons and fighters, or a new security detector. Anything the government needs is made right here. Since it covers such a broad range of fields, this organization employs a great many Christstany people.

Imperia - The major Automobile company in Christstan. Cars are a huge industry here and many Christstany cars are exported.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2007, 04:38:06 PM by Emperor Heindrick »

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: The Empire of Christstan
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2007, 04:00:42 AM »
V. History of the Empire

Current Christstany Calander Year: Year of Our Lord 1030
[B.C. = Before Christianity, A.D. = Anno Domini, year of our lord.]

Ancient Times; 3000 B.C. - 1 A.D.

The history of Christstan begins with early records from ancient times with hieroglyphics written on stone slabs that could be carried in one hand. These records begin about 3000 B.C. (C.C. Calender time), telling the tales of past legends, a chief's rule, trade, and battles. Early Christstany peoples were clan based tribes that survived primarily on agriculture and incessant warfare amongst themselves and a people known as the "Galatians". The mindframe of the Christstany tribes was that you only had the right to items, land, food etc. if you could defend it. This lead to the right by might mentality inherent in Christstany thought. Now the tribes then were obviously not known as Christstany. Rather they referred to themselves as Rotharocks "Children of Rothar", and shared a common belief system. This religious system demanded constant warfare to earn the favor of the gods and secure their place in the afterlife.

- Early Germanic Warrior and Chief

For over a thousand years, the Rotharocks lived in clan based villages & small towns backed by agriculture, without change. Agriculture allowed for the specialization of labor, and all drew their place in the world from their father. Farmers were farmers for life, blacksmiths, would produced bronze weapons during this time, also were dynastic and highly respected. Their were no priests as the chief and most males performed the rituals vital to their survival. All men were warriors from birth, warfare was thought before the man's trade. Trade happened only when both tribes respected each other and were semi-related. This semi-familial bond of friendship would lead to the rise in factions and kingdoms that would spell out the next age.

Villages were run by Chiefs, who earned and maintained their position through military might. in most cases Chiefs were dynastic due to the fact that the sons of Chiefs were free from manual labor and spent their days hunting, raiding, and training. After some time, their dynastic right to rule was written down by law. Inheritance though was only by the strongest son. If a chief died with several strong sons, they would do battle till a winner emerged. These fights were never to the death, as killing your brother, especially one so militarily talented, was the highest crime of the time. Often times as the older brother, he had the most experience and training and thus usually became the next chief, this became law around the times of the dynastic chiefdom.

Galatians, as rather odd looking and not related to any of the Rotharocks were constantly raided and had their towns sacked for almost no reason. While the Galatians were more technologically advanced, the Rotharocks were to powerful a people in warfare for the Galatian technology to have great effect and allow them dominance. Due to the city-based and heavy trading nature of the Galatians, they united into powerful kingdoms early on and by that fact alone were able to resist total annihilation against the Rotharocks. Their stone-walled cities kept the Rotharocks at bay, though this would soon change.

With the advent of iron around 2000 B.C., and the domestication of horses, certain tribes became very powerful, very quickly. Warfare amongst the tribes evolved and those without Iron and horses were quickly absorbed into the tribes that did. Men who had horses and iron weaponry evolved into military elite, who spent their days as permanent warriors to the chiefs. During this time the highly fractured tribes and villages began to unite under the powerful Horse Lords or "Pferdeherren". The Chief's main village became the center of his lands, and began to grow into powerful cities as trade and tribute were brought in from the lesser villages. These Horse-lords soon followed the stone style walls, copied from the Galatians, as opposed to the wooden Palisades of older times. Horse-lords awarded their military elite with land and more horses and weapons, which increased their power and standing. The Horse-lords also began to ally with one another to achieve common goals, one of which was to dispose of the Galatians, who were seen as infidels and a blemish to the land. United and armed with horses and iron, things which the Galatians had been denied, the Rotharocks crushed the Galatian kingdoms and wiped out much of their populace. Those who remained were forced to be slaves to the Rotharock Pferdeherren. Much of the advances of the Galatians were preserved though, which only increased the power of the Pferdeherren who conquered them.

- Rotharock Horse-Lord and warriors

Eventually by 300 B.C. the major states of the Rotharock had emerged, now ruled by a König, who ruled through the descendants of the military elites of his ancestors. The Königs or Könige, were the descendants of ancient powerful families who became the primary Pferdeherren. Without linage to at least one Pferdeherren line, you had no claim to any kind of throne. One dynasty of the powerful Könige was known as the Weigers, rulers of the land nearest the sea and only Galatian lands. At this point, they were a minor kingdom in comparison to the others, but their sea access made them rich and allowed them to explore and bring in new ideas. One of which would be the major cultural movements and driving factors. This was Christianity. Exactly how it came is unknown but it is known that it came in through a Weiger port. At first the Weigers scoffed at the notion, but after several trial by ordeal tests and a dream of the King, Christianity became the official religion of the Weigers. Over the next 200 years, Christianity spread until it was the major religion of the Rotharocks, with the final conversion of the Kingdom of Maxony. This marks the beginning of year 1 A.D.

Foundations of the Empire; 1-500 A.D.

With the rise of Christianity, the tribes became much more civilized and united. A Church was organized, headed by an elected Priest, known as the Kirchenführer. The Kirchenführer claimed no divine authority, nor right, but rather was the administrative and theological leader of the Church. The Church was a vital part of Rotharock life as it decided what was right and wrong and could say that the actions of a lord was against Christianity. This worried people and lead to many assassinations, and overthrows of rulers. Morals ruled Rotharock life. Though despite good Christian intentions and background, the warrior culture of the people prevailed and resulted in 500 years of feudal warfare amongst the Könige and sometimes their Grafs and Herzog (Counts & Dukes). The major kingdoms emerged, and the Kingdom of Christstan (as the Könige of the Weiger dynasty called their lands) rose to tower over them all. Through many political maneuvers and royal marriages, the Weiger held a great deal of land, and by the might of their forces, maintained their holdings and crushed opposition. Their power was also backed by the church which was headquartered in their lands. As a way to consolidate the power of the Weigers, and end most of the internal warfare, the Kirchenführer assembled the lords and declared an election of an Emperor (Kaiser) who would rule over all of them, maintain the peace and establish law and order throughout the land. The Weiger King, Conrad II, was elected unanimously as Kaiser Conrad I von Christstan. His rule brought about the end of dominant feudal powers and the beginning of a centralized rule, and an intellectual renaissance.

- Christany Knight and the Imperial Double Eagle.

Renaissance and Imperial Conquests; 501-907

Emperor Conrad brought in a new age of learning and culture. It was during his reign that the Great Artists of Christstan arose. The legacy of those painters is still visible in modern Christstany art. Emperor Conrad sought to increase his power and hold of his title by advancing the military. Gunpowder had been experimented with and used for hunting in the past, but was too clumsy to be effectively used in combat. He offered a great reward and a great deal of funding to the man who could build him a practical model of the weapon, which he invisioned as the future of Christstany military. The new weapon was dubbed the Feuernrute (We know them as an Arquebus). He revamped the military and organized the most powerful fighting force in Christstan.

- Emperor Conrad with his new Army.

With this powerful new force and the unity of the powerful lords of Christstan, the Emperor and the people of Christstan were able to look outside their borders for the first time in 2500 years. Various surrounding peoples had often times tried to dominate Christstany lords, but were repulsed for the most part. Emperor Conrad sought to bring these peoples under his rule as well and began a long series of campaigns to defeat his neighbors. He would spend 20 out of his thirty-year reign on the battlefield. At the age of sixty, he died and left his empire and his quest to his son Henry I. Henry did not have the innovative mind of his father and ruled with absolute single-mindedness. He spent his 15 year reign raising heavy taxes to support his army in the field. As a brilliant commander, trained under his father and was free of political restraints while serving, sought to continue that in his rule. To him, supporting armies in the field against infidels and enemies of the state was the most important role of the Emperor, and did all in his power to do so. He would not stop a campaign due to the strained state of his country and the weary new recruits who were tired of the fighting. His unwillingness to leave the field was his demise, he was infected with a plague sweeping through the neighboring kingdom of Worria, where his father had died.

Emperor Henry left one son before he went on his conquests, as the boy was far to young to accompany him at the time, the young prince was left in the care of his cousins, the dukes of Maxony. In their court he learned to appreciate the arts, literature and trade. He was by no means the warrior his father was, nor even his grandfather, but he was a much more gifted politician. When he received the new of his father's death, his first concern was to fix the horrid mess his father left him. As a man of 24, he had a lot of time to accomplish his task. He withdrew the army from Worria in exchange for their vassalage and conversion, he did so by threatening to continue his father's campaign and promised he would leave their current political structure alone as long as the Leader of Worria swore fealty to him and his successors. This ended the major conflict of the nation and allowed him to disband the army of his father. For this action alone, he was praised by his subjects and immediately loved early on in his reign. He married his second cousin, the duchess of Maxony, the first sign of his brilliant use of political marriages. He knew her father had no male heirs, nor no brothers and thus his duchy would be inherited through his daughter and her husband.

With the first major obstacle out of his way, Emperor Henry was free to spend his fathers tax money on things that benefited the empire and restored his grandfather's art and science institutes. He was known as Das Prächtige (The Magnificent). He would continue to restore the empire throughout his reign and married his sons and daughters off so well, that few could, or would challenge his dynastic claims, and would ensure the power of his family for years to come. He ruled till he died at 79, ruling for 55 years.

This age of innovation and conquest would last for another 300 years, in which Weiger Emperors ruled continuously and unchallenged.

Succession problems and Rebellions 907-965

The age of prosperity and intellectual revival ended with the death of Emperor Wilhelm II. He died at the age of 15 due to a disease contracted while on campaign with his father. With no uncles to claim the throne, the throne would have to pass to a second cousin of the Emperor. Wilhelm's sister had been captured by her second cousin for this purpose but she was far to young to wed. Two rival factions had strong claims to the throne, the Dukes of Maxony (Which were seperated from Imperial lands when Wilhelm's grand uncle Conrad of Maxony was given the Duchy by his father) and the Counts of Ravia, also heirs to the throne through a male line via Wilhelm's other grand uncle Albert the Wise. The contenders of each line were respectively Prince Conrad II of Maxony and Henry of Ravia. Both were unmarried and wished to marry the young princess Anna, sister of Wilhelm. Henry had captured her and was waiting till she was 14 so he could legally marry her, Conrad would not allow his rival this honor and declared war on him. So for the first time in 400 years, lords used their armies against each other. All Conrad wished to do was recover the young Anna from Henry and marry her himself. The war was fought for 7 years called the 7 Years War or First War of Succession. Conrad was victorious and recived the girl from a beaten Henry on her 13th birthday. A year later, Conrad Married her and took the title of Emperor, which was vacant and thus resulted in fracturing of the states again.

When Conrad assumed the throne as Conrad IV, the Empire of Christstan was in anarchy with each lord acting independently and made war on each other just as conrad had done. He spent the next 20 years of his reign regaining the prestige and power of the Emperor. He could not get the full loyalty of the lords his ancestors had enjoyed, but got them at least to generally follow his orders. His union with Anna produced two sons and a daughter. He traded daughters in marriage with Henry of Ravia, marrying his sons to Henry's daughters.

Conrad's sons hated each other and his eldest, Conrad V, banished his brother Wilhelm from Imperial landholdings. His father-in-law and granduncle welcomed him to Ravia. He inherited Wallicha, a minor estate from Henry, and openly detested his brother. When his brother died in combat a few years later leaving no heirs, Wilhelm naturally assumed the throne. Though his Brother-in-law, the Count of Ravia, quickly informed Wilhelm and the rest of the Empire that it was not a legal move as Wilhelm had been banished and disinherited by his brother and thus he was the only legitimate heir especially with the marriage of the daughter of Emperor Conrad V. This argument broke out into another war of Succession, thoughtfully named the Second War of Succession. Wilhelm was Victorious, crowned (again and officially) as Emperor Wilhelm III.

For the next 15 years, the throne would constantly be contested by brothers, cousins and uncles of the descendants of Wilhelm. These constant wars between Weigers weakened the Emperor's power and prestige greatly. It became so bad that the Lords stripped Emperor Heindrick X of his Empire and formed the Republic of Rothar in 965 A.D.

The Rise and Fall of the Republic of Rothar; 965-998

After Heindrick X had been stripped of his title, he was exiled to live on the Eastern Islands and all Imperial holdings became nationalized and used as tourist areas and museums. The coup against him was led by Prime Minister Edmund James, who captured him while he was walking in the gardens of the Imperial Palace, all Imperial Counts were similarly banished to small castles within their lands.

James seized power until elections were carried out. The elections were corrupted by James who manipulated them so that only he could win. He formed a representative government with himself at its head. He lead the new secular nation for 15 years until his death, his young nephew was elected to succeed him. His nephew, Thomas James, ran the country poorly, but with an iron fist. Anyone who challenged him was blacklisted and destroyed politically & economically. The country was further secularized, creating great uproar from the very conservative masses. The country was run by a minority elite core of wealthy liberal businessmen, who did not represent the wishes of the masses as they promised.

Heindrick von Weiger, the future Emperor Heindrick, was taught by former imperial officers the art of war and governing. He excelled in the University of Steinburg, majoring in Political Science, then gaining an advanced degree in Law. Despite this education, his passion was the martial affairs. Heindrick used the great wealth his family still had and organized a large defense & technology company, the future Imperial Arms & Technology. When the Republic entered war with Guthenburg, the traditional enemies of Christstan, they needed the advanced forces under Heindrick's command and thus hired him to deal with these enemies. They gave him a commission as Generalfeldmarschall in the Republican Army.

Heindrick invaded Guthenburg with his now large force, his leadership and strategic skills made the men and officers love him. He created a cult of personality within the military forces. Men became loyal to him more than the state as he dealt with the things they needed, personally purchasing most of the necessary supplies the army needed. He grew tired of Rothan politicians who did not understand war. His campaign was largely successful and he received the official surrender from the Guthenburg leader himself, along with the leader's daughter whom he married. He was ordered to establish martial law until the lands were deemed ready. It was at this time he formed the NationalechristlichePartei comprised of his loyal officers who aided him in running the territory. The people there loved him and when they were incorporated as a province, he was elected  Governor General. He used his connections to begin reestablishing the Christstany Church which was dismantled by Edmund James as a symbol of the old regime.

Within two years of being governor and funding the Church movement, the fearful liberal leaders of the nation outlawed the Church totally due to fears of it promoting an imperialist rebellion. This was the last straw for Heindrick who officially declared himself independent of the Republic and lead his troops to liberate the people of the Republic in 995 on the 30th anniversary of the republic. This blitzkrieg style rebellion swiftly toppled the republic by 998. Heindrick reestablished the country the way it was prior to the rebellion, promoting old nobles back to their positions, however the Parliament was granted more power.

Empire Once Again: 998 -

Heindrick rebuilt the empire and regained the imperial prestige. He has improved the nation in almost all aspects, especially socially giving the country unity and tradition once again.     

« Last Edit: November 19, 2007, 04:02:46 AM by Emperor Heindrick »

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: The Empire of Christstan
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2007, 08:20:31 PM »
VI. States of the Empire

Major Regions of Christstan

1. The Imperial Domain
Capital: The Imperial City
Population: 100,000,000

These are the direct domains of the Weigers, this region has been the site of the capital of Christstan for 650 Years. This region houses all major government buildings and military installations. Due to the connection to the coastline and a major natural harbor, it is also the center of Christstany economics.

- Imperial Palace, built by Emperor Conrad I, Seat of Power of the Emperors of Christstan since 520

2. Duchy of Maxony
Capital: Maxonburg
Population: 80,000,000

A province famous for it's coal mines, many industrial companies base themselves here and the Duchy is dotted with factories and mines. With a high industrial economy, Maxony has very dense urban areas. Historically, Maxony has been the center for the gathering of armies in order to invade the north.

- View of Maxonburg Castle and Maxonburg

3. County of Ravia 
Capital: Strausen
Population: 50,000,000

By far one of the wealthiest states in the Empire due to extensive gold mines. The population is very spread out and thus many farms and pastures dot the county. Citizens of Ravia are famed for their intellectuals, artists and musicians. Ravians live luxurious lives and thus have a great deal of money to spend. Ravia's wealth has kept it a dominant power despite a low population in comparison to other major states.

University of Strausen, The largest and most prestigious University in Christstan

17. Duchy of Roland
Capital: Steinburg
Population: 15 Million

Center of commerce and industry in Christstan, despite a low population, Roland boasts the largest cities in Christstan. 80% of Roland's citizens are concentrated in two cities. The headquarters of Harold Kreiger, Car & Oil Tycoon owner of Imperia Vehicles, & the Imperial Arms & Technology Inc. are located here in Steinburg and Gasglow respectively. Historically the trade hub between the Kingdoms of the West and East.

Headquarters of Imperial Arms & Technology Inc. A monument of Roland's Modernist movement.

23. Kingdom of Guthenburg
Capital: Guthens
Population: 20 Million

Area surrounding the capital of the former Guthenburg. The area retained it's name but is ruled by Christstany nobles. Essentially the Capital of the West. Most happenings on the western portion of the empire are sent through Guthenburg first.

Blenheim Palace, former capital of Guthenburg.

Typical Christstany countryside

Farming area dominated by a small castle on a hill surrounded by forest.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2007, 01:05:55 AM by Emperor Heindrick »

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: The Empire of Christstan
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2007, 02:11:56 AM »
VII. Major Buildings of Christstan

The Imperial Palace

Also known as Versallies Palace, built by Emperor Conrad I "The Sun King", as a symbol of Imperial authority, it was greatly expanded and completed by his grandson Henry The Magnificent. It features many gardens, apartments, libraries and parlors. At an Estimated total cost of 300 Billion, it is the greatest piece of real estate in Christstan.


Old Painting Depicting the original Palace
The Palace Website 1
The Palace Website 2

Parliament Building

The Reichstag Building, built by Henry The Magnificent to accommodate his Parliament.

Holy Trinity Cathedral

Built by Henry the Magnificent over the grounds of the first Christian Church in Christstan. It is the seat of the Kirchenführer, head of the Church of Christstan.

Typical Hallway within
Main Chamber Left
Main Chamber Right

[To be continued]

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: The Empire of Christstan
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2007, 05:06:51 PM »
The Council Of Five -

Five of the highest ranked and most skilled officers in the Christstany military. They meet with the Emperor regularly to assess the security of the nation.

Lord High Marshal Victor Mannstein, Reichsmarschall of the Luftwaffe 

Commander Johann von Braun, Commander of the of the Imperial Guard

Lord High Admiral Henri Hanz, Commander of the Imperial Navy

Generalfeldmarschall Alfred von Papen, High Commander of the Army

Captain Johann Lennstein, Captain of the Imperial Guard, Duke of Mavoria

The Council had been assembled and they were ready, The Emperor sent for Alia. They would review what she had to say and make final plans.

*Note the non German uniforms are Hyper-Formal attire reserved for nobility or high ranking officers. The Imperial Guard however will be comprised entirely of these types of uniforms due to the Emperor's love for elegance.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2007, 04:43:59 AM by Emperor Heindrick »