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Author Topic: I feel sad about the state of things  (Read 14720 times)

Offline PoD Gunner

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2013, 02:44:33 PM »
S-D posting in Taijitu is like a thin flow of blood in a shark's nostrils  :D so nais, music to my ears. My spare time is not the biggest advantage but I will gladly come around for some NS warfare and forum silliness. I might drag some old guns along as well. Make sure you drop me an e-mail or a PM on fb, I'm not in the habit of checking the forums anymore.
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
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Offline Lapeirousia

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #46 on: June 22, 2013, 04:46:12 PM »
PoD Gunner what is your nation name?  If you were delegate of those three regions I'd be surprised if I haven't heard of you until now :)

Taijitu can die or it can get a grip on itself and come back to the land of the living.  There's always a choice.  It's a choice that will be made over the next few years by every Taiji.  The region is not going to quickly disappear or burst into flames, you have either a slow and painful death or a slow and painful life.  Choose the latter.  I'll do what I can to help.

I love the rants you did there were some beautiful lamentations guys.  Are you ready to think positive yet?
Niadh Tabaqui Dion Diablessa

Offline Funkadelia

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #47 on: June 25, 2013, 03:53:54 AM »
PoD Gunner what is your nation name?  If you were delegate of those three regions I'd be surprised if I haven't heard of you until now :)

Taijitu can die or it can get a grip on itself and come back to the land of the living.  There's always a choice.  It's a choice that will be made over the next few years by every Taiji.  The region is not going to quickly disappear or burst into flames, you have either a slow and painful death or a slow and painful life.  Choose the latter.  I'll do what I can to help.

I love the rants you did there were some beautiful lamentations guys.  Are you ready to think positive yet?

Well I will do what I can but I sort of gave up as well. Without the big guys that have the exact tools to help (e.g. Gulliver and Eluvatar) we really can't do shit. To be honest I think we should totally disregard existing law and just rewrite the laws so we can get things started again. I'm sorry to say guys but just living on RP is not going to help. That makes us just an RP forum and not an NS forum. I will certainly do whatever I can to help, I promise. Taijitu is my home.
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

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Offline Delfos

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #48 on: June 25, 2013, 11:22:43 AM »
Welcome back dude. We could have done all that before, why now? What made you choose now to come back against then before you left?

Offline Funkadelia

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #49 on: June 25, 2013, 04:19:19 PM »
Because I felt like it was a lost cause, you know. But I don't know, I just got a burst of patriotic fervor. Furthermore, with Elu and Gulliver mostly inactive, I feel like we can get more sweeping reforms enacted. Either way I want to help fix it.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 04:33:20 PM by Funkadelia »
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

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Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #50 on: June 25, 2013, 04:49:12 PM »
Well it is true that Funkadelia and his Senate became very frustrated. Especially because we couldn't make any changes because the referendums never passed due to quorum requirements.

If we agree as a community to abolish the constitution and government structure I'm fine with that. I would however suggest that we keep the bill of rights and our treaties.
Ur a towel

Offline Funkadelia

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #51 on: June 25, 2013, 04:52:53 PM »
Here is my forum: http://w11.zetaboards.com/Taijitu/index/

Like I said, I don't mind if we don't use it! I had fun making it... but it does look nice

You both should come on IRC more so we can discuss things in real time... do it.

Can we consider this again? We may have our own domain name, but it doesn't really mean much when there is nothing tied to it.
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

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Offline Lapeirousia

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #52 on: June 25, 2013, 05:15:56 PM »
After McMaster's comments I'm totally disinclined to go with his forum - although I do appreciate the positive thinking - I must reject that in favour of a better option:

Keep this forum, keep the domain name, keep the wiki.

Use the wiki to link new threads on the existing forum in a more organised and flexible way.
I.e. we will create new threads in the existing places but we will create new wiki pages to navigate between those threads more efficiently.

I hope you understand what I just said because I feel it's important.

I would like to fervently invite Funkadelia, New Delfos and McMasterdonia to join the movement for immediate change, if you at least partially agree with my vision so far.  (Link in sig)
New Delfos has been a encouraging so far and I can see Funk is ready to join the party, so to speak!
Niadh Tabaqui Dion Diablessa

Offline Funkadelia

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #53 on: June 25, 2013, 05:21:23 PM »
After McMaster's comments I'm totally disinclined to go with his forum - although I do appreciate the positive thinking - I must reject that in favour of a better option:

Keep this forum, keep the domain name, keep the wiki.

Use the wiki to link new threads on the existing forum in a more organised and flexible way.
I.e. we will create new threads in the existing places but we will create new wiki pages to navigate between those threads more efficiently.

I hope you understand what I just said because I feel it's important.

I would like to fervently invite Funkadelia, New Delfos and McMasterdonia to join the movement for immediate change, if you at least partially agree with my vision so far.  (Link in sig)
New Delfos has been a encouraging so far and I can see Funk is ready to join the party, so to speak!

First of all, what comments? He didn't say much about the new forums.

Second, I don't really understand what you said at all. The Wiki is quite cumbersome and is meant to be an encyclopedia

Third, parties don't matter if there is no government.
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

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Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #54 on: June 25, 2013, 05:24:29 PM »
I don't see what I've said to offend you, other than to point out a few simple facts about Funkadelia's Delegacy and the past year that you remain blissfully unaware of.

I will not be joining your movement, as I have seen before you tend to act without just cause and sometimes on no information at all. I don't particularly trust your instincts or insight into our region, although I think your heart is in the right place. I don't think joining your political party will help things at all, if anything political parties were one of the issues holding us back last year.

I don't mind whether we change forums or not. I just feel this one is tired and old, and tbh reasonably ugly :P A new forum can be a fresh start.
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Offline Delfos

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #55 on: June 25, 2013, 07:39:16 PM »
A new forum would only be the option, imo, if we have no control at all of this current forum. Funk does have control of the forums, right? Wiki is helpful if maintained. I do not have the time for any maintenance work, I'm sorry, I did have before. I have real life political crap going on, cityhall project being f****d over, and industrial project barely progressing, so I don't have much time. But you can count with me for the usual ranting and awesome contributions.

About the movement, there's not enough yet of your project that allows me to judge either or not joining it. So far sounds good. I suggest you read this:

Offline Funkadelia

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #56 on: June 25, 2013, 08:20:57 PM »
The wiki is something that to be quite honest only Gulliver and Eluvatar could fully manage. Also, I can manage these forums, but it's very difficult to do so. That's not to say it's not doable though.
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

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Offline Lapeirousia

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #57 on: June 25, 2013, 10:28:56 PM »
McM I was a little offended I just thought it was tactless your comment that Funk was the one to revive Taijitu when he had just proposed TNP to cancel the treaty with us.  I'm not bringing this up just to discredit people I just felt a bit miffed that you took my enthusiasm negatively when I was the one sticking up for the region when I had no existing obligations to.

I can see where you're coming from but I disagree with you, and it's annoying to be characterised as someone who will always make bad decisions as if I have some sort of learning disability...  You are within your rights to be skeptical but if I'm lashing out, then that is why.

The wiki is not cumbersome in my opinion, it's quick, I have edited 3 pages and will gladly write pages on your behalf when I get the hang of it.

Yes I do lack knowledge and need to be educated in the ways of Taijitu.

The reason we need a party is because we need to take over the government, you need some form of organization to do that, a vehicle.  Otherwise where are policies and plans going to take shape?

I've posted in TEP requesting to delay the embassy closure, but I can only say I'm a citizen, I don't represent anything because there is no people on board the 'movement'

Guys, please add me on skype if you can

McM if you attempt to marginalize me again (let's face it, you probably will at some point) I will get annoyed again because I have been repeatedly marginalized ever since the Warzone Africa incident.

Regarding IMAGINE - yes that's brilliant.  In fact if you had only pointed me to that thread a few days ago I would not have created MIC.  Am now considering disbanding MIC and joining IMAGINE, if that is possible.  You're right that I have not a great deal of policies, I had 7.  Am open-minded about this, perhaps can merge them under the IMAGINE banner?  The thing you explained about direct democracy operating like parliamentary commissions makes more sense in this context - and I agree it SHOULD be brought about from WITHIN the current system - and I believe it can work even if it failed before.  Why can't we join IMAGINE?
Niadh Tabaqui Dion Diablessa

Offline Funkadelia

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #58 on: June 25, 2013, 10:33:55 PM »
I had just tried to cancel the TNP treaty:

  • Because I thought the region was dead.
  • Because I do not merge all of my personae into one person.

I have done more than most to try to get the Taiji ball rolling, however nothing ever stuck. I even tried to make Taijitu imperialist but that couldn't work either. We are far past the point of political parties now. This is simply deciding if Taijitu wants to have a government anymore amongst a collective of people. So do we? Do we want to keep it the same? Do we want to totally rewrite it? We can do just about anything we want, and at this point to be quite honest the laws don't matter because it's a game so we need some input if we ever want to have parties ever again.
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

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Many touchstones try the stranger
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Offline Lapeirousia

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Re: I feel sad about the state of things
« Reply #59 on: June 25, 2013, 11:17:13 PM »
Why are we past the point of political parties?  Aren't they the system that we use to change things?
Niadh Tabaqui Dion Diablessa