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Author Topic: WA Security Council Vote: Repeal "Liberate Utopia"  (Read 3553 times)

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WA Security Council Vote: Repeal "Liberate Utopia"
« on: July 19, 2016, 04:06:47 PM »
Category: Repeal
Resolution: SC#13
Proposed by: [nation]Ichu[/nation]
Onsite discussion

Quote from: Repeal "Liberate Utopia"
Description: WA Security Council Resolution #13: Liberate Utopia shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Recognizing the necessity of SC #13 (Liberate Utopia) back in 2009, when [region]The Alliance of Dictators[/region] invaded and placed an invisible password on the region; however,

Noting that the region was re-founded in 2012 with a founder who has taken away executive authority from the WA Delegate position, making the liberation pointless to the region in its current state;

Further noting that the region hasn’t been active in the last year and is now only inhabited by the inactive founder and another native, making the repealing of this liberation long overdue;

Hereby repeals SC #13 (Liberate Utopia).
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Re: WA Security Council Vote: Repeal "Liberate Utopia"
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2016, 04:08:17 PM »
They haven't gotten the input of the residents of the region, so I'm against this.
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