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Author Topic: WA Security Council Vote: Repeal "Condemn DEN"  (Read 3793 times)

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WA Security Council Vote: Repeal "Condemn DEN"
« on: September 26, 2016, 04:47:53 AM »
Category: Repeal
Resolution: SC#192
Proposed by: [nation]Nohbdy[/nation]

Description: WA Security Council Resolution #192: Condemn DEN shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The Security Council,

Reminded that the author of SC #192 "Condemn DEN" was unaware of the typical procedures of the Security Council, and therefore neglected to seek assistance from their fellow Security Council members in drafting their proposal,

Noting that despite heavy criticism, and the disapproval of many well known World Assembly members, delegates, and authors, SC #192 was passed,

Deciding that SC #192 is, frankly, poorly written and riddled with factual errors,

Disturbed by the fact that SC #192 attempts to downplay the act of invading by referring to said activity as a mere “sport”,

Observing that despite the author’s claims that [region]DEN[/region] was known for “destroying small regions”, DEN was actually never successful in destroying any inhabited regions,

Exasperated by SC #192’s inclusion of DEN’s intelligence gathering and embassy forming as condemnable acts, seeing as the strategies employed by DEN in these areas are widely used in various other large regions,

Bewildered that SC #192 only includes three examples of DEN raids, neglecting to note the far more important raids that DEN committed on [region]Paradoxia[/region], [region]Power is Rising[/region], [region]Japan[/region], [region]Union of Proletarian States[/region], [region]California[/region], [region]St Abbaddon[/region], [region]Yorkshire[/region], and [region]NeoConfederate States of America[/region],

Pointing out that one of the few examples of a DEN raid SC #192 identifies was an incident in September 2015 involving an internal coup of [region]The West Pacific[/region], in which DEN was the primary region providing support to a rogue Delegate, which is not widely considered to be a raid beyond DEN propaganda,

Cringing at the timing of this proposal, going into effect directly before a major scandal resulted in the complete annihilation of the region known as DEN, the fallout of which has made the region permanently uninhabitable,

Concluding that the only reason SC #192 was passed was due to the belief that many uninformed World Assembly members held that this proposal was the replacement for SC #187 Condemn DEN, which had recently been repealed, unaware that SC #192 was submitted while the replacement proposal was still being drafted,

Finding that while it is important for the Security Council to take action against Predatory regions that cause harm to others, it is equally important that the Security Council upholds its long held traditions and procedures, and hoping that removing this resolution will help encourage other aspiring Security Council authors to present their proposals for drafting before submission,

Believing that due to SC #192’s poor quality, factual inaccuracies and exclusion of major events, the Resolution should be removed from the record,

Hereby Repeals Security Council Resolution #192 "Condemn DEN".
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