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Author Topic: WA Security Council Vote: "Repeal 'Liberate Liberal Haven'"  (Read 1072 times)

Offline Allama

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WA Security Council Vote: "Repeal 'Liberate Liberal Haven'"
« on: November 04, 2014, 04:22:45 PM »
Welp, another version of this proposal is up for a Security Council vote. Y'all know the drill! How should I vote?

Category: Repeal

Resolution: SC#144

Proposed by: Chester Pearson

Description: WA Security Council Resolution #144: Liberate Liberal Haven shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Recognizing Liberal Haven is a peaceful community, which does not engage in aggressive hostile actions against any other region,

Realizing Liberal Haven was invaded by an aggressive multinational force which assumed the delegacy, and placed a secret password in place, whilst simultaneously beginning to eject the native population,

Confirming this hostile action by aggressive foreign forces, goes against the Security Council's mission of spreading inter-regional peace and goodwill, Liberal Haven was liberated by Security Council resolution #144, thus allowing defender forces to enter the region, and return it to native control,

Shocked that the nation of The Republic of Asquithania, was able to assume the delegacy and began ejecting the native population once again, in an attempt to refound the region under their control, against the natives wishes,

Noting the regional natives desire to refound the region under their own control,

Understanding that without the ability to password protect Liberal Haven, the region remains highly susceptible to refound sniping, should the natives attempt to refound without the ability to password the region beforehand,

Thus Believing native rights should take precedent over the wishes of the international community as a whole, and the ability to protect the region should be rightfully returned to native control,

Further Believing, Security Council resolution #144 has served its intended purpose,

Hereby repeals Security Council Resolution #144 Liberate Liberal Haven.

Cast your own vote on "Repeal 'Liberate Liberal Haven'"
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 04:31:41 PM by Allama »