Repeal 'The Right to a Lawful Divorce'Category: Repeal
Resolution: GA #39Proposed by: Railana
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #39: The Right to a Lawful Divorce (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: Recognizing that GAR #39, "The Right to a Lawful Divorce", permits a party to a marriage to terminate the marriage for any reason whatsoever,
Strongly affirming the right to divorce for cause, such as infidelity, domestic violence, or abandonment,
Nonetheless emphasizing that it has been conclusively established that most marriages result in children and that divorce often causes significant harm to the welfare of such children,
Acknowledging that World Assembly member states therefore have a legitimate interest in reducing divorce rates and in regulating divorce in order to achieve this aim,
Observing that it may be appropriate, for instance, for member states to require marriage counselling or six months' separation prior to granting a divorce in certain circumstances, and that such requirements should not be considered a significant infringement on the individual rights of the parties to the marriage,
Concerned that such policies are not permitted under the target resolution, which requires that divorce be made available "without let or hindrance",
Supportive of a resolution establishing a right to divorce in somewhat more limited circumstances,
The General Assembly,
Repeals GAR #39, "The Right to a Lawful Divorce".
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