News: Let us develop the University into a world-class school, and the centerpiece of Taijituan culture!
The Security Council,Noting that the government of Westwind has been in existence for over ten years, that this government also oversees the nation All Good People, and understanding that the accomplishments of Westwind's storied history may be difficult to quantify,Recalling that Westwind was heavily involved with the Alliance Defense Network (ADN), an important, historically significant organization that is credited with protecting numerous regions against invasion and unprovoked aggression, where Westwind served in a number of positions including Director of the Office of Public Affairs, Prosecutor General, Secretary of Defense, Intelligence Agency Board of Directors, Deputy Director and finally Acting Director,Recognizing that Westwind was just as much a driving force in the reorganization of the ADN, dubbed 'ADN Reloaded', moderating and then administering the forums, performing much work in building the new 'reloaded' forum structure and transferring documents,Noting in particular the commitment to justice of Westwind, demonstrated in Westwind's actions in the ADN war on Ireland, where as Prosecutor General Westwind investigated and brought charges against then President Vasquez for the infiltration and invasion of Ireland,Acknowledging the involvement of Westwind in numerous major military operations throughout history, including the efforts of The Pacific Army to free The Pacific from Francos Spain, the ADN puppetmaster liberation of The North Pacific in July 2004, which was one of the largest operations of its kind in NationStates, and the second liberation of The North Pacific from Pixiedance, where Westwind played a leading role as Secretary of Defense of the ADN,Recognizing the considerable and ongoing contributions of Westwind to the region of Equilism, which have included serving in numerous government positions over time, leading the region as the World Assembly Delegate, inheriting and preserving the founder nation of Equility for various periods of time, and the administration of the Equilism forums,Revealing that 'The Schism' of Equilism, where Westwind voided the constitution, was not undertaken out of any ambition, but was actually an orchestrated event staged to promote activity coordinated by both sides, and believing the willingness of Westwind to make great sacrifices to serve its role in this audacious plan should be noted,Further recognizing the contributions of Westwind to the region of The West Pacific, including leading the region as an active and highly successful World Assembly Delegate for an extended period of time, ensuring administration of The West Pacific's forums, and where today Westwind continues to serve as a 'Guardian' of the region against those that might do it harm,Applauding Westwind's ability to guide new nations, willingness to provide generous advice and insight without expectation of compensation or recognition, and admiring Westwind's willingness and ability to regard other nations with a respectable demeanor, regardless of allegiance or preference,Asserting that such self sacrifice and dedication to the preservation and activity of the world as a whole, often in the face of harsh consequences, is both highly courageous and admirable,Hereby commends The Emeritus Rex of Westwind.
The Security Council resolution Commend Westwind was passed 8,375 votes to 2,508.