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Description: The World Assembly,RECOGNIZING that war crimes are crimes against humanity,DECLARING that war crimes are so heinous that the international community as a whole has the responsibility to bring to justice those who are guilty of such crimes,CONVINCED about the potential abuses of power associated with granting jurisdiction over war crimes to individual nations,The General Assembly,Hereby creates the International War Crimes Tribunal (IWCT) tasks it with the following mandate:To investigate persons suspected of war crimes,To issue arrest warrants for persons suspected of war crimes if investigations deem the evidence is compelling enough to warrant indictment,To work with member nations in the trial of suspected war criminals indicted by the International War Crimes Tribunal within their jurisdiction, according to the principals of fairness and impartiality in trials endorsed by the World Assembly.Compels members to execute warrants issued by the IWTC,Mandates that members pursue the extradition of persons wanted for war crimes, not under their jurisdictions by all legal means,Demands member nations that are incapacitated or otherwise incapable of trying and detaining individuals suspected or convicted of war crimes extradite those individuals to a member state capable of or trying and incarcerating those individuals, according to the principals of fairness and impartiality in trials endorsed by the World Assembly.Co-Authored by: Separatist Peoples
The General Assembly resolution "War Crimes Tribunal" was defeated 7,098 votes to 4,950.