Repeal 'Reducing Automobile Emissions'Category: Repeal
GA# 257Proposed by: The Dark Star Republic
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #257: Reducing Automobile Emissions (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: Automotive) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.[/b]
Argument: The World Assembly,
Vexed that WA Resolution #257, "Reducing Automobile Emissions", is not thoughtfully considered and does not show appropriate regard for the interrelated nature of human, economic and environmental factors,
Regarding the Resolution's requirement that "all member nations ... take any and all economically viable measures to reduce automobile emissions" to be crass, clunky, and about as subtle as a gynaecologist in a gas mask,
Observing that this harsh mandate takes no account:
- of whether any environmental or other gain from such reductions is balanced by their cost even if they meet the nebulous standard of being economically viable,
- of the difficulty of even determining what constitutes economic viability given the lack of context the Resolution provides,
- of measures that are technically economically viable but that violate civil rights, pose significant non-economic viability issues, or are otherwise environmentally harmful,
- of the cost-benefit analysis of offsetting higher automobile emissions with other more consequential environmental actions,
- of whether these reductions actually meet the "recommendations" the Resolution empowers the IAEC to create,
- or in fact, of anything whatsoever other than the sole monomaniacal goal of reducing automobile emissions,
Opining that the general benefits of international law to reduce automobile emissions are not sufficient to atone for these severe legislative defects:
Mandates the repeal of WA Resolution #257, "Reducing Automobile Emissions".
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