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Author Topic: WA General Assembly Vote: "Infectious Disease Control"  (Read 1193 times)

Offline Allama

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WA General Assembly Vote: "Infectious Disease Control"
« on: March 17, 2015, 04:50:57 PM »

    Wartime Looting and Pillage

    A resolution to modify universal standards of healthcare.

    Category: Health

    Area of Effect: Healthcare

    Proposed by: Schutzenphalia and West Ruhntuhnkuhnland

    Description: The World Assembly,

    Supporting ongoing efforts to control infectious disease,

    Recognising [SIC] that international travel to territories afflicted by public health hazards of infectious disease often requires visitors bear documented evidence of medical precautions undertaken,

    Concerned that differences between national means of providing such documentation may lead to either exacerbation of infectious disease through inadvertent admission of those not having undertaken medical precautions, or unnecessary restrictions on international travel through inadvertent rejection of those having undertaken medical precautions,

    Believing that a single, standard, universal certificate of medical precaution would resolve this situation,

    Convinced that the World Health Authority's Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response Center (EPARC) is ideally suited to deliver such certification through its international position,

    Seeking to implement such a process in a manner consistent with practical concerns and national sovereignty:
    • Defines, for the purpose of this Resolution, “medical precautions” as vaccinations, prophylaxis, and any other necessary medical, surgical or pharmaceutical mitigation of risk;
    • Requires that each nation encountering a public health hazard of infectious disease within their sovereign territory or any other territory under their jurisdiction:

      - Seek expert medical counsel to determine necessary medical precautions to be undertaken by visitors to that territory;

      - Publicly promulgate a travel advisory and any updates in its status until the hazard has been resolved, describing relevant medical precautions to be undertaken by visitors to that territory;

      - Inform, at minimum, their World Health Authority national office and the embassies, consulates and other diplomatic missions they have established with any nation from which they permit travel, of this advisory and of any updates in its status;
    • Directs EPARC to create a single, standard, universal certificate of medical precaution (UCMP), to include:

      - Name, national identity, personal identifying information and signature of recipient;

      - Name, status and signature of medical practitioner;

      - Type, date, batch and manufacturer of dose (and where necessary booster dose);

      - Stamp of issuing authority;

      - Anti-forgery measures;
    • Mandates the introduction of the UCMP to replace all divergent comparable travel documentation within a timeframe agreed between each nation and EPARC to be practical, affordable and safe, and being not more than ten years from passage of this Resolution;
    • Enjoins nations to support the implementation of the UCMP through:

      - Training of medical practitioners in its correct employment;

      - Training of border security and immigration agents in its recognition;

      - Enforcement of legal measures to prevent fraudulent or false use;
    • Encourages nations to negotiate expansion of the scope of UCMP recognition with other parties;
    • Emphasises [SIC] that possession of a valid UCMP does not confer visa rights and that administration of the UCMP does not affect a nation's rights to control immigration, emigration, or passport status;
    • Declares that the provisions of this Resolution apply only to international travel and do not affect national documentation requirements for purely intranational travel.

    Don't forget to cast your own vote on "Infectious Disease Control"![/list][/list]

    Offline Allama

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    Re: WA General Assembly Vote: "Infectious Disease Control"
    « Reply #1 on: March 20, 2015, 06:30:46 PM »
    This poll has closed with the following results.

    0 Vote For
    0 Vote Against
    1 Abstain

    I have therefore done absolutely nothing.

    Offline Lindisfarne

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    Re: WA General Assembly Vote: "Infectious Disease Control"
    « Reply #3 on: April 08, 2015, 10:14:29 PM »
    Control, huh, what is it good for

    War is good for powerful people to steal other peoples property with the help of excessive violence. (and fear)