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Author Topic: The Dourian Embassy  (Read 748 times)

Offline Delfos

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The Dourian Embassy
« on: November 19, 2012, 04:57:08 PM »
Trying to shed a light to my concerns about Dourian's proposals in the Security Council, the latest being these two Condemn The Dourian Embassy - Liberate NAZI EUROPE
I have contacted the head of foreign affairs of Osiris who elegantly informed [nation]The Dourian Embassy[/nation] to talk to me in mIRC. He has given me permission to quote him and I found the chat with him very rewarding and enlightening.

[nation]The Dourian Embassy[/nation]: I'm The Dourian Embassy, and I'd like to apologize for the SC resolutions I've been pushing. They're meant as jokes. I'm a GA author, and I've written numerous pieces of serious legislation that I would hate to lose your support on because of a joke.

[nation]The Dourian Embassy[/nation]: If these frankly terrible resolutions get through (he's talking about the other terrible proposals), we need to re-examine the rules and the delegates supporting them. Because otherwise, it's already a farce, and people just haven't realize it yet.

[nation]The Dourian Embassy[/nation]: I think, I think we need to closely examine the SC as a whole. There's a gameplay summit ongoing right now, and I think this highlights one of the more serious problems with one of the factors of gameplay, the SC.

Here's the section for anyone interested:

needless to say I was very impressed with Lord RavenClaw, he sets the bar high for foreign affairs personnel. Also I'm confident that I'll support The Dourian Embassy on other issues, excluding these ones for the Security Council that are meant to criticize it. I Hope this has helped you understand his intentions. Any doubts let me know.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2012, 05:00:43 PM by Delfos »