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Voting closed: March 08, 2012, 06:53:04 AM

Author Topic: Repeal Condemn Anthony Delasanta  (Read 600 times)

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Repeal Condemn Anthony Delasanta
« on: March 04, 2012, 06:53:04 AM »
Category: Repeal
Resolution: SC#79
Proposed by: A mean old man
Description: WA Security Council Resolution #79: Condemn Anthony Delasanta shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Quote from: Repeal Condemn Anthony Delasanta
The World Assembly,

BELIEVING that violent hate crimes are detestable and condemnation-worthy,

FURTHER BELIEVING that any nation or region that the World Assembly condemns should be a profound if not epitomic example of a truly abominable influence,

NOTING that almost all documentations of Anthony Delasanta’s activity are extremely brief and lack enough detail to be considered credible by an organization as official as the World Assembly,

EMPLOYING, as an example of the aforementioned concern, the notion that Anthony Delasanta was able to annihilate “over a hundred million Muslims … in a matter of days” from within its own population,

DISCERNING that Anthony Delasanta’s claims to have committed such an act are accompanied by very little detailed documentation, that the slaughter of over one hundred million people in a matter of days is practically impossible unless massively destructive forces (which would not be readily or realistically available to the nation of Anthony Delasanta at the time) were employed, and that, at the time this feat was supposedly accomplished, 100 million people would have been a vast portion of the nation’s population and, because of their sheer numbers, would have been a formidable adversary to those attempting to exterminate them,

DETERMINING that, based on how utterly absurd this claim is and based on how little quality evidence of its occurrence actually exists, it could not have played out in this exact fashion and is perhaps a trumped up or entirely false claim made by the government of Anthony Delasanta,

BELIEVING that Anthony Delasanta’s decisions as delegate of Ganar are hardly worth condemning; establishing a flag that the founder disagreed with is a petty thing to condemn, banning nations affiliated with an enemy region (which is also, consequentially, the region in which the author of this condemnation resides) is fairly typical and not necessarily something to frown upon, and suppressing messages which may threaten a delegate’s position is very common,

FURTHER NOTING that those in direct control of the government of Fischistan and those in direct control of the government of Anthony Delasanta are closely connected and suspecting this condemnation of being an opportunistic stunt pulled by the government of Fischistan to forward the nation’s own private interests,

CONDLUDING that, since the documentation of Anthony Delasanta’s actions is so horrendously flawed and cannot be considered accurate by the World Assembly, since Anthony Delasanta’s actions as delegate of Ganar are not outrageous, and since this condemnation is tainted by a potentially partisan and petty agenda due to the connection between the author and the target, the condemnation must be struck from the World Assembly’s records,

HEREBY REPEALS the condemnation of Anthony Delasanta.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 12:14:10 AM by Gulliver »
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Re: Repeal Condemn Anthony Delasanta
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2012, 12:10:57 AM »
I have voted finally on this as "for".