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Total Members Voted: 3
Voting closed: January 24, 2014, 04:17:58 PM
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #128: On Abortion (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.Argument: Aware of the controversy surrounding abortion,Regretting that the flaws present in GAR #128, "On Abortion", necessitate its repeal,Concerned that the first clause of the target resolution compels nations to legalize abortions in cases of rape at all stages of pregnancy, including after fetal viability and even immediately prior to birth,Remarking that abortions after fetal viability are largely unnecessary, even in the case of rape, since the pregnant individual can give birth and place the infant up for adoption instead of killing the fetus,Emphasizing that abortions immediately prior to birth, even in the case of rape, are inhumane and should not be permitted by the target resolution,Noting with alarm that the target resolution compels member nations to permit the pregnant individual's next of kin to make abortion decisions on behalf of the pregnant individual when the pregnant individual is incapacitated, even in cases where the next of kin is not acting in the best interests of the patient,Shocked that the next of kin could conceivably deny the pregnant individual lifesaving medical treatment under the provisions of the target resolution,Believing that the decision of whether to legalize abortion should primarily be left to individual World Assembly member nations,Hoping that a resolution that permits nations to largely determine for themselves whether to legalize abortion will be passed in short order,The General Assembly,Repeals GAR #128, "On Abortion".
Hello, Eluvatar!I'd like to ask you to vote FOR the current World Assembly resolution at vote, Repeal "On Abortion". This resolution will repeal the current resolution on the subject of abortion, "On Abortion", because it is flawed in several respects.The most important issue with "On Abortion" is that it requires member nations to permit a pregnant individual's next of kin to make abortion decisions on behalf of the pregnant individual when the pregnant individual is incapacitated, even in cases where the next of kin is not acting in the best interests of the patient. This means the next of kin could conceivably deny the pregnant individual a lifesaving abortion under the provisions of "On Abortion"."On Abortion" also fails to take a neutral stance on the abortion issue, compelling nations to legalize abortion in certain cases at all stages of pregnancy, including after fetal viability and even immediately prior to birth.After "On Abortion" is repealed, my intention is to pass a neutral replacement, "Convention on Abortion". This proposal grants member nations the right to legalize or regulate abortion without World Assembly interference, subject to a ban on forced abortions and a requirement that nations permit pregnant individuals to seek lifesaving medical treatment.Thank you in advance for your support.Regards,Martin RussellChief Ambassador, Auralian Mission to the World AssemblyThe Federation of Auralia
I'm opposed because I think the resolution on the books is overall good, that other WA resolutions cover medical ethics in terms of the things this repeal is concerned with, and that we do not want to reopen the can of worms that is abortion legislation in the WA.