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Author Topic: Repeal "Liberate Islam"  (Read 645 times)

Offline Gulliver

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Repeal "Liberate Islam"
« on: April 02, 2012, 11:09:34 PM »
Category: Repeal
Resolution: SC#25
Proposed by: [nation]Jeux II[/nation]

Quote from: Repeal "Liberate Islam"
Description: WA Security Council Resolution #25: Liberate Islam shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The Security Council,

RECOGNIZING the nations of Justice4Islam, The Kaaba, and Iron bark as having been under the control of raider nation and former delegate of NAZI EUROPE, "Oh My Days," when they were used to pass this resolution,

NOTING that the actions of Oh my days corrupted the good intentions of the nations which passed the liberation, which supposedly sought to protect it from foreign forces that threatened the region members' rights as an independent community,

BELIEVING that, if Islam is to be truly “liberated” from all threats to its security and is to build a stable and legitimate community, the region must have the capability to lock itself down and refound to attain a new, “native” founder nation and to free itself from its inactive founder nation which was controlled and subsequently (and deliberately) eliminated by Oh My Days,

THANKFUL that Oh My Days did not claim the region in the name of NAZI EUROPE when the region was refounded, though noting that, if Oh My Days was to restore the nation which refounded Islam and take control of it once again, Oh My Days could demolish the region entirely or use it for the nation’s own agenda,

AWARE that members of the region have unsuccessfully attempted to repeal this liberation in the past and seeking to achieve for them what they wanted but were unable to attain,

HEREBY REPEALS “Liberate Islam.”