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News: Let us make the whole region resound with the song of We Are The Happiest People in NationStates.


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Author Topic: Repeal "Liberate Hippiedom"  (Read 767 times)

Offline Delfos

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Repeal "Liberate Hippiedom"
« on: October 23, 2012, 10:03:32 PM »
Category: Repeal
Resolution: SC#99
Proposed by: [nation]Strawberrry Fields[/nation]
Description: WA Security Council Resolution #99: Liberate Hippiedom shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Quote from: Repeal "Liberate Hippiedom"
Argument: The Security Council,

RECOGNIZING the intent of Security Council Resolution #99 Liberate Hippiedom to remove raider-imposed password barring entrance to Hippiedom to help return the region to the native nations,

APPLAUDING the Security Council's assistance of Hippiedom in their time of need,

REALIZING the liberation now prevents the native delegate of Hippiedom from password protecting the region for regional security,

AFFIRMING the residents desire and right to self determination in keeping their region safe,

RECALLING similar circumstances of natives seeking a Liberation Repeal having regained control of their homeland such as; Repeal Liberate Catholic (SC#82), Repeal Liberate The United Kingdom of Britain (SC#90), and Repeal Liberate Benevolent Capitalism (SC#92), among others,

BELIEVING the ability to password protect the region should be returned to the native community,

HEREBY repeals Security Council Resolution #99 Liberate Hippiedom

Offline Delfos

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Re: Repeal "Liberate Hippiedom"
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2012, 02:06:13 PM »
Final vote for