News: Post a large number of kitten macros and .gifs so that no space on the forum is left bare!
Total Members Voted: 3
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #112: Convention on Execution (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.Argument: The General Assembly,Recognizing that the Convention on Execution allows member states to employ the death penalty as a criminal punishment,Believing that the Convention on Execution is inadequate for these reasons:The resolution permits member states to use the death penalty as a punishment for any crimes whatsoever rather than restricting its use to only the most heinous crimes, such as premeditated murder;The resolution does not restrict the methods of execution that can be employed, thereby allowing member states to use extremely inhumane methods of execution, such as beheading or stoning;Hoping that this Assembly will consider replacement proposals to put stronger restrictions on use of the death penalty,Repeals Resolution 112, the Convention on Execution.