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Author Topic: Repeal "Commend Joint Systems Alliance"  (Read 1151 times)

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Repeal "Commend Joint Systems Alliance"
« on: July 06, 2014, 05:35:45 PM »

Repeal "Commend The Joint Systems Alliance"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: SC#26

Proposed by: Elke and Elba

Description: WA Security Council Resolution #26: Commend The Joint Systems Alliance shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The World Assembly,

ACKNOWLEDGING that The Joint Systems Alliance has been commended by this body for its role in promoting and keeping peace, and its involvement in providing help and aid to nations in need, and has been rightly done so,

NOTING that the said alliance has ceased to exist on peaceful terms for a significant amount of time and yet the commendation remains in force in order to promote the spirit the Joint Systems Alliance have promoted relentlessly throughout its existence, and to act as a role model for others, however,

FURTHER NOTING that this commendation have brought around unneeded attention to the honourable region of The Joint Systems Alliance, in which caused its objectionable refounding under a state unrelated in any way to The Joint Systems Alliance of the old,

UNDERSTANDING that The Joint Systems Alliance have been unfairly and unjustly usurped by The Mallorea and Riva Puppet of Morningstar Shining,

APPALLED that such an usurpation was not in the intention of the revival of the region, from the unfair ejections and ban of new non-related nations into the region, and only to gain recognition of the World Assembly and seek glory through this aformentioned commendation that applied and was solely and only meant for the original The Joint Systems Alliance and not the currently-existing irrendentist region similarly named 'The Joint Systems Alliance',

ACCEPTING that as a result of such, keeping a commendation for the dissolved The Joint Systems Alliance would be untenable despite its former honourable acts, actions and past work,

FURTHER UNDERSTANDING that it is ultimately the World Assembly's fault for keeping this aforementioned commendation which allowed for the tarnishment of a past memory of a organisation once justly credited for, for it has galvanised the rogue state of Morningstar Shining to act malevolently and refound the once-glorious region despite having no aim whatsoever to restore its work, and no claim to the name due to its lack of any involvement whatsoever in the original the Joint Systems Alliance since this rogue state has bitter disregard for the commendable work The Joint Systems Alliance have done,

Hence unwillingly,
HEREBY REPEALS SC#26, "Commend The Joint Systems Alliance".

Written with the assistance and support of Dreadful Sagittarius, a native of the original The Joint Systems Alliance.

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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Re: Repeal "Commend Joint Systems Alliance"
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2014, 12:01:39 PM »
Voted FOR (They really need to make KITTEH an option)