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News: If a neighbor is in need of revolutionary rehabilitation, report it to the Citizen-Liaision!


How should the delegate vote on this resolution?

4 (80%)
1 (20%)
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Total Members Voted: 5

Author Topic: Liberate Hippiedom  (Read 681 times)

Offline Eluvatar

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Liberate Hippiedom
« on: September 25, 2012, 09:18:51 PM »
Category: Liberation
Nominee (region): [region]Hippiedom[/region]
Proposed by: [nation]Strawberrry Fields[/nation]

Quote from: Liberate Hippiedom
Description: The Security Council,

RECOGNIZING [region]Hippiedom [/region]as a peace-loving region home to many nations over the year since its founding in 2005,

CONCERNED by the recent invasion of Hippiedom by the hostile region of [region]The Black Hawks[/region] on September 22nd, 2012,

NOTING that the occupation of Hippiedom has been reinforced by The Black Riders, The Land of Kings and Emperors, and The New Inquisition,

RECALLING that similar circumstances, with a various number of these same organizations, has prompted liberations before; such as Liberate Free Thought (SC#14), Liberate Region of reunited muslim states (SC#88), Liberate Christmas (SC#95) and Liberate Catholic (SC#80), among others,

DISTRESSED that on September 25th, 2012, a password was imposed by the occupation force, preventing access to Hippiedom, violating native rights, threatening the destruction of the region, and denying residents the ability to call for assistance in saving their home,

AWARE that the invasion utilized a sleeper nation, allowing the raiders to password the region with relative ease,

DEEPLY DISTRAUGHT by potential further damage that could be done to the region under The Black Hawks occupation,

BELIEVING that every region deserves the opportunity for sovereignty over administration and freedom of movement,

STRIVING to prevent the foreign-imposed transformation of Hippiedom into a "trophy-region",

AFFIRMING the residents, including the native former delegate proposing this resolution, desire to free their homeland from these aggressive invaders,

HEREBY liberates the region of Hippiedom.
Co-Authored by Mahaj, Unibot II, and Eluvatar
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