News: The more kittens we post, the faster our region prospers; the less kittens we post, the slower our region prospers.
Total Members Voted: 6
Voting closed: June 07, 2012, 01:33:01 PM
Description: The General Assembly,BELIEVING that being detained unlawfully is a serious affront to an individual's liberty and right to freedom,CONCERNED that some nations may not have the pathway of habeas corpus to rectify such illegal detentions,CONVINCED that habeas corpus is a legal remedy that must be available to those who are detained,HerebyMANDATES that any individual detained by the state, or a state actor, shall have the right to appeal the legality of that detention before an impartial judicial body, or its equivalent, by oneself or through proxy;DEMANDS that detention shall neither be arbitrary nor shall continue if deemed illegal;REQUIRES that nations employ the usage of time limits on detention so as to avoid the unnecessary breach of an individual's liberty and right to freedom.
Why do you require only that there be a limit, not any particular one?
So in "soviet russia", the limit can be 45 years.
While indefinite detention may not be allowed. I'm sure 200 years detention would be legal under this particular resolution.