News: If a neighbor is in need of revolutionary rehabilitation, report it to the Citizen-Liaision!
Total Members Voted: 5
Description: The Security Council,BELIEVING that the sovereignty of democratically elected officials should not be infringed upon, nor should any legitimate government be usurped by an oppressive and dictatorial regime,IDENTIFYING The Caedus Family Patriarch of Raxus Caedus Turn (Turn) as a large, multi-faceted nation that controls many other nations, including The Empire of The Controller, and as the primary antagonist in the region Markarth,NOTING that Turn, via The Controller, ejected and banned the rightful government of Markarth in an unprecedented and unwarranted coup, placing the region under martial law while suppressing free speech and threatening the same to all nations in the region,FURTHER NOTING that Turn shut down the forums of Markarth, which are the heart and soul of every region, essentially killing off any meaningful discussion or dissent that may have risen,DISCLOSING that Turn has perpetrated these same crimes on multiple occasions with multiple regions, including the now-defunct Imperial Clindean Order, The Genesis Corporation, and Athos,DISGUSTED that Turn not only encouraged but employed puppet-flooding to artificially boost the regional population of Markarth to untruthfully portray a sense of power and numbers in the world, both militarily and otherwise,HORRIFIED that Turn has forcibly removed or destroyed many facets of the Markarth cultural heritage, including the forum and regional news service, and threatened ejection to all nations in the region should their leaders voice any dissent,OBSERVING that Turn has raider affiliations at large and has used military strength to raid with the Imperial Clindean Order and Markarth,REVEALING that Turn was at the helm of The Genesis Corporation (TGC), once one of the largest regions in the world, shortly before the complete and utter collapse of the region due to the power-grab and resignation of Turn, after which TGC stagnated for many months,RECOGNIZING that such heinous and world-wide crimes cannot go unattended nor unrecognized,HEREBY CONDEMNS Raxus Caedus Turn.