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Author Topic: Biomedical Innovation Org  (Read 593 times)

Offline Funkadelia

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Biomedical Innovation Org
« on: September 24, 2012, 10:20:38 PM »
Category: Education and Creativity   
Area of Effect:  Educational   
Proposed by: [nation]Mousebumples


UNDERSTANDS that despite the many advances that have been made in medical technology, there are still medical conditions in need of a cure or better treatments.

BELIEVES that, to better assure the health and wellness of citizens living in WA member nations, the World Assembly should work to facilitate the further development and innovation of medical technology and treatments.

SPECIFIES that “biomedical tissues” shall include, at minimum, the following:

Blood and blood products, such as platelets and plasma.

Organs, such as the kidneys, liver, and heart.

Stem cells, such as embryonic stem cells, those found in the bone marrow and the umbilical cord, and other adult stem cells.
ENCOURAGES all WA member nations to pass laws to facilitate and encourage the innovation of new treatments involving biomedical tissues.

CREATES the Biomedical Innovation Organization (BIO) within the World Health Authority (WHA), which will be tasked with:

Coordinating research on treatments involving biomedical tissues conducted within WA member nations, including the sharing of findings and breakthroughs on an international level.

Including research data for biomedical innovations as a part of the Database Of Clinical Treatments Under Study.

Ensuring that WA member nations appropriately submit patents for biomedical innovations as a part of the Universal Patent Archive.

Developing and distributing an effective and inexpensive test for testing biomedical tissues for any disease or infection prior to transplantation to a recipient.
RECOMMENDS that studies involving biomedical tissues include a control group of some nature.

INSTRUCTS the WHA to allocate an appropriate portion of their budget to assist with the engineering and international implementation of a low-cost and effective system for storing and maintaining previously donated biomedical tissues within WA member nations. This system shall include, at minimum:

Medically relevant details with regards to the results of the typing and testing that has been done.

Procedures to prevent the unintended or incorrect transplant or transfusion of biomedical tissues (e.g. the wrong biomedical tissues, etc.)
ESTABLISHES the Biomedical Education Organization (BEO) within the WHA, which shall develop educational programs highlighting:

The benefit to patients who are treated with biomedical tissues,

The details involved in donating biomedical tissues to be used for research and/or treatment, and

The importance of creating advance health care directives to ensure that one's own wishes are followed.
URGES all WA member nations to utilize such educational programs, or equivalents, to better educate their citizens regarding the aforementioned topics.

ARRANGES for the BEO to develop and provide Continuing Education courses for medical professionals throughout the multiverse in order to further the knowledge and expertise of practitioners in all WA member nations.

SUGGESTS that all WA member nations work, independently or collaboratively, to develop new systems, techniques, and technologies through which additional biomedical tissues shall be made available for transplant or transfusion.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2012, 10:58:03 PM by Funkadelia »
Today's date is: Today is Jocidi, 5 Cielidor AR 5 - Day 1770 of the Glorious Revolution.

Many trials make manifest
The stranger's fate, the curses' bane.
Many touchstones try the stranger
Many fall, but one remains.