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How should lucretia borgia vote on this resolution?

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Voting closed: May 27, 2010, 04:43:31 AM

Author Topic: [AT VOTE] The Clean Water Resolution  (Read 1111 times)

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[AT VOTE] The Clean Water Resolution
« on: May 24, 2010, 04:43:32 AM »
Quote from: The Clean Water Resolution
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: FlagPan Master

Description: The General Assembly,

CONCERNED that many of the water supplies are contaminated with harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, parasites, viruses, etc.

REALIZING that some individuals, businesses, and nations dump hazardous materials, including biological, chemical, and radioactive waste that can enter water supplies

MOST, if not all of the toxins and harmful micro-organisms can cause illness, long-term health problems, or even death

NOTING that water is essential for most forms of life

ALSO NOTING that there are WA nations that may have a weak economy and therefore are unable to afford purified drinking water

CONCERNED that national populations could become infected by water-borne disease, which could spread to cause an epidemic;


CREATES the World Assembly Water Purification Treatment (WAWPT) to assist nations in cleaning and treating their water supplies

DECLARES that the WAWPT will create water purification systems to ensure the nations of clean water. If unable to place the water purification systems within their nation, the WAWPT will hire specialists to purify the water manually. If the WAWPT isn't able to purify the water manually, they would ask other nation neighbors whether or not it's possible to build the water purification systems within their land. If the WAWPT is unable to purify water manually, it will ask other neighboring nations for assistance to build water purification systems on their land with due financial compensation.

AFFIRMS that the WAWPT will create a clean universal water system to regulate nations that are low on water and would pump or irrigate water into that nation if it is low. The WAWPT will attempt to persuade and convince other WA members to create and enforce laws against pollution in international waters

PROHIBITS the dumping of toxins/toxic materials in any manner that could possibly contaminate water/water supplies

MANDATES basic education on water toxicity and waterborne disease
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