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Author Topic: Right to Petition (Passed)  (Read 533 times)

Offline Dyr Nasad

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Right to Petition (Passed)
« on: December 13, 2011, 09:48:55 PM »
Description: The World Assembly,

BELIEVES that individuals should have the right to petition without fear of reprisal;

DEFINES a petition as: a written observation, suggestion, request, criticism or complaint that relates to an issue of public or private interest;

RESOLVES that citizens and residents of World Assembly Member States, acting alone or as part of a group, have the right to send petitions to officials and institutions that claim jurisdiction over their person, and extends this right equally to companies, organisations and associations that have their headquarters in a World Assembly Member State;

BANS Member States from enacting punishment or reprisals against anyone for making use of their right to petition.

OBLIGES officials and institutions to pass petitions that do not fall within their field of activity on to a more appropriate or competent official or government institution, whenever possible;

« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 03:31:47 PM by Dyr Nasad »