Hi! There's nothing the be confused about. You have to submit the form 35A to the Court of Taijitu, they'll reply with a new form related to the requisite made by you in the form 35A. This new form will probably be form 2C or 2F. Then you'll have to submit this form to the government of Taijitu to request an audience. If the form is the 2C you will have to wait until the specific member of cabinet replies and sets up a meeting with you or anyone else appointed specifically in the form 2C. If the form is the 2F, after you submit it to the Government of Taijitu, they'll grant you an audience to the Minister of Foreign Affairs where you have to explain your issue. If the meeting is set up to any member of government, they will communicate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs the issue regarding your request. The Minister will then be able to request the government for the form 78B-2 that will have to be filled out by you and submitted to the Head of Government. Then there will be some more spins of bureaucracy, and only if you're lucky, the matter reaches a government clerk or public administrator to solve the issue.
But do not despair! We're renown to work miracles under harsh circumstances! I'm sure that if you follow this through everything will be alright with the world.
BTW If I have any word in the matter, I approve this thingy.