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Author Topic: Hey.  (Read 1411 times)

Offline Latagon

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« on: April 30, 2007, 04:23:01 AM »
Hello all.  I'm Latagon (Nation being Hasadon) and I'm here on invite of one of your members.  He contacted a puppet of mine, but I became so intrigued that I decided to send an older puppet here to check it out.  I'm an experienced RPer, and have an established history already to go.  I love meeting new people and RPing in new environments outside of my regular RP home, Liberalia.

To keep things fluid for my nation, I've set it around 30 years in the future of my current RPs in other places.  I'll refer to the great catastrophe a number of times.  If you know me from somewhere else, you may be able to work out what that catastrophe was.

As for Future RP, I'm picking up around 10 years after my current RP.  And...that's all you get. 

I have a great time doing my RPs, but I do keep an air of mystery about me as often as not, so if you get confused just PM me.  Either I'll answer your question, or tell you that "all will be revealed soon."  Which translates to, "You'll never solve this mystery..."

Once again, I'm Latagon and I hope that you don't resent me hijacking your RP boards for my pleasure.  But in case you do...

Have a cold one on me!   :drunks:

Offline Solnath

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2007, 05:03:55 AM »
Good introduction, welcome aboard! :fight:

I have a question concerning the "great catastrophe," though. Was it big enough to have effect on other countries?
Neutral Evil

Offline Latagon

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2007, 05:13:02 AM »
Well...one other country lost around 8 Major cities (maybe more) because of it, and a few others lost a few cities...but it's nothing to worry about...

Edit:  Love the Avatar.  I'm a GDI man, myself.  :P

Offline Solnath

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2007, 05:21:58 AM »
Hahaa, I meant that if you are integrating it in your country's past here as well, your neighbours would probably like to know.

Seeing as I seem to be pretty much the only one really awake at this ludicrous hour, I'm going to ask you a few extra questions, the last one being rhetorical.

1) Forum RPer only?
2) Who said you could take my cookies?
3) GDI? >:(

You will not survive the Revolution, imperialist. :trout:

EDIT: This isn't my usual avatar, I just like to flaunt NOD from time to time.
Neutral Evil

Offline Latagon

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2007, 05:26:47 AM »
Well, I'm RPing my nation as if it was in a new land, settled by the people of the old land.  The old land is on another map, that I'll continue to RP on until I'm the only survivor of the forum.

Now, in this order...

1st.  Yes Forum RPer only.  I tried the RMB stuff and it got confusing very quickly, and the board games such as D&D and V&V were great, but I can't seem to ever keep a DM, so I can't really get a group together.

2nd.  I said.  Deal with it.  :P

3rd.  I like the big shocky laser things!

Lastly.  Terrorist dog!  Kane will be your downfall!  Death to the Tiberium.  Death to Kane!  Death to the Scrin!  Humanity Prevails!

Edit:  My Avvie is the allied symbol from Red Alert 2.  If I ever port my signature from the other forum you may see another familiar character.  If you're a Red Alert 2 player that is...

2nd Edit:  Heck yes!  I got it!  Say hello to my signature...signature.  Wow that was a lame pun...
« Last Edit: April 30, 2007, 05:32:55 AM by Latagon »

Offline Solnath

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2007, 05:33:02 AM »
Waaaaait a minute, ten years post-standard RP?

I seriously have to do something about my Conflux. Nifty idea, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much power.

If you want, the Hegemony of Arasel would love to help your country grow.  >:D

Tiberium is good for you, Kane is right!

EDIT: (What the hell, I'm adding this with the rest of my post!) I know, I recognised it. C&Cs were a pastime long ago, but number three's making my trigger-finger happy. IT HAS KANE!
Neutral Evil

Offline Latagon

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2007, 05:37:36 AM »
Waaaaait a minute, ten years post-standard RP?

I seriously have to do something about my Conflux. Nifty idea, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much power.

If you want, the Hegemony of Arasel would love to help your country grow.  >:D

Tiberium is good for you, Kane is right!

EDIT: (What the hell, I'm adding this with the rest of my post!) I know, I recognised it. C&Cs were a pastime long ago, but number three's making my trigger-finger happy. IT HAS KANE!

10 years after my Future RP in this other forum.

The Hegemony of Arasel you say?  Help me grow?  Well I'd say yes, but for the fact that I'm around 50 times your size population wise...

And...uh...Heck yes!  C&C3 is...dare I say?  The greatest RTS ever made!  I'm pretty sure it'll hold that title until Halo Wars makes it's debut in 2008...

Offline Latagon

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2007, 05:52:46 AM »
Well I'm off to bed, but I'll check back in the morning.  Before I leave I have one last question.

How do I calculate my military forces here?

Offline Solnath

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2007, 05:53:40 AM »
Are you honestly looking it up in NS? Allow me to :-P

I prefer doing my NS-RP countries from scratch. The NationStates system is too limited for my sandbox attitude. So whatever NS is saying, Arasel's population is 172 million. I'll put it in my Nat. Stat. thread at some point, when I have the time to do so.
* Soly shrugs.

I'm going to say that Supreme Commander beats C&C3, sowwy. :trout:

EDIT: Meh, people use trackers, I use mathematics.
Neutral Evil

Offline Latagon

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2007, 11:30:01 AM »
Well, I tend to use .01% as my army.  Which basically means that I end up getting around 1 Million men per 1 Billion people.

Offline kor

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2007, 11:39:47 AM »
Hello and Welcome to  :taijitu: :congrats:

Offline Allama

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2007, 01:41:11 PM »
Hello and welcome!  Diving into RP right away, eh?  Most excellent.

Offline Latagon

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2007, 03:26:55 PM »
Thanks all!

Offline Musachanage

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2007, 04:00:07 PM »
Welcome! *Hugs*

And I'll be taking that free beer, thank you very much.
Freedom is to be able to go in any direction... So take the uncertain path.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Hey.
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2007, 05:06:51 PM »