Hello all. I'm Latagon (Nation being Hasadon) and I'm here on invite of one of your members. He contacted a puppet of mine, but I became so intrigued that I decided to send an older puppet here to check it out. I'm an experienced RPer, and have an established history already to go. I love meeting new people and RPing in new environments outside of my regular RP home, Liberalia.
To keep things fluid for my nation, I've set it around 30 years in the future of my current RPs in other places. I'll refer to the great catastrophe a number of times. If you know me from somewhere else, you may be able to work out what that catastrophe was.
As for Future RP, I'm picking up around 10 years after my current RP. And...that's all you get.
I have a great time doing my RPs, but I do keep an air of mystery about me as often as not, so if you get confused just PM me. Either I'll answer your question, or tell you that "all will be revealed soon." Which translates to, "You'll never solve this mystery..."
Once again, I'm Latagon and I hope that you don't resent me hijacking your RP boards for my pleasure. But in case you do...
Have a cold one on me!