I know it's taken some time before posting my first post on this forum (thanks to some self-inflicted problem with this forum,


myself for that), but hip hip hurrah, now finally is the time!

I'm looking forward to eventually getting involved in the regional politics, but (first things first) I'll need some basic stuff for my own nation (constitution, parliament, flag, things like that).
Mind you... Up until now, my experience with NationStates has been limited to toying around with the issues a bit. So far, I've never tried to set up a serious nation with all those great things a nation needs, and my experience with RP could almost be characterized as being below zero.
So I might be in need of a bit of help now and then, but I get the impression that there are plenty of people here who are willing to help (for which I'd hereby like to thank them in advance).

So, just to put an end to another round of my verbal diarrhoea, I hope to have a great time here with you.

(hm, I don't mean to imply that we'd all need to be drunk of course... just consider this to be me buying you all a drink.
