I am a new nation on Nation States and have joined the glorious region of Taijitu!
My nation is Telekenesis (I couldn't get the correct spelling because it has previously existed, and because of the new "bring back from the grave" feature, I can't register that name).
Anyway, a little about my nation: "We don't just think about stuff" is our motto, and our national currency is the Thought Wave, although recently we have begun to accept Tai, with an exchange rate of 1:5 (until formally determined). We are a compassionate government who cares about our people, and strives to create an extremely strong economy. (despite what our UN (sorry, WA) classification is.) We don't have a national animal, as we were discussing the over-population of them, and one of our ex-senior officials accidently thought them into extinction.
About me personally: I'm 17, live in melbourne, australia, and I can also speak french, spanish and italian, with a little bit of icelandic aswell (pointless, i know but fun none the less).
Finally, It's great to be here in Taijitu, and I shall contribute to the forum as much as my parents will allow me internet access.
Oh and by the way, as in my title, as a member of Taijitu, does that make me Taijituan, Taijitan? or...? what's the correct collective noun??

GBenemy, founder of the Free Land of Telekenesis