Hey everyone

I actually used to enjoy this game awhile back, and one summer just kind of let the enjoyment go to the wayside. That is, until today! I actually had a real innovative debate with a friend of mine about Canadian environmental policy and the separation between the church and the state (cool, huh?

), and for some reason, it sparked the idea of Nation States in me. I signed up today, and thought I'd give the fun another whirl!
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to put here, so you can just call me Prime Minister Michael MacIsaac.

Haha, in all actuality, I'm from Cape Breton, here in Canada, and I just finished my freshman year at St. FX
(*insert plug for greatest university on earth here*) and aside from doing nothing at all while I'm home for the summer and being uber-involved at X, I'm riding the ways of the Air Force to fund my edumacation: I'm an Officer Cadet in the ROTP program of the Canadian Forces: there you go! A name, where I live, and a fun fact about me. Take care, all!