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Author Topic: Tradition and Change: SDixie / PoD Gunner for Delegate / Vice-Delegate  (Read 8616 times)

Offline Flemingovia

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Where do you stand on the principle of "every nation has the right to play nationstates as they say fit"?

What happens when one right (say... your right to attempt to invade the rejected realms) is in conflict with another nation's right (say ..... their right not to be associated with the invasion, and to remain in Tailjitu)?

Does your right supercede their right, because you are more important than they are? What does this say about your attitude to government and to the other nations in the region?

Offline Durnia

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1) Give me a full account of your involvement in the invasion?

2) Has it gone to plan?

3) Do you intend to stay there and set up a permanent government?

4) Are you proud of what you've done?

5) Where did you get the idea from?

Please answer fully and truthfully.
Nobody of importance.

Offline Solnath

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One question for my dear competition. What's the trick?
Neutral Evil

Offline Tacolicious

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1. How will you handle future diplomatic relations with TRR?

2. What efforts will you make to rebuild our image in the eyes of the world?

3. If elected is this style of invasion to be the first of many?
« Last Edit: July 22, 2007, 03:02:43 AM by Tacolicious »

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"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
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Offline Talmann

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Guys, I stand in defense of these men. They realize their actions, you need not remind them. No need to grill them senseless, especially since you are all essentially asking the same question: Why did they do it? Now, I approve of the idea of liberating TRR, I just think the means of achieving that idea were wrong. Now that that's in order, I ask you all to stop hounding these men and let them be.
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"Once art to me was something far off, unfathomable and unreachable... But I discovered that the real essence of art was not something high up and far off, it was right inside my ordinary daily self. If a musician wants to be a fine artist, he must first become a finer person. A work of art is the expression of a person's whole personality, sensibility, and ability." -Shinichi Suzuki

Offline Solnath

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Liberating a democracy of what?
Neutral Evil

Offline Khablan

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I would agree with Talmann.  Once a question has been asked an answered, then further repititions of that question become nothing but pointless harassment.  This is a place to pose questions to the candidates, and for them to answer.  There are other far more appropriate places in which to air grievances and beat each other over the head about them.  We are all aware of the sentiments in the region at the moment, as the nations are making their opinions loud and clear in those more appropriate places.  I ask that we all keep our harassing to those other areas.
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Offline Myroria

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I agree with Talmann and Khablan. The way PoD and SDixie realized what they did was wrong and how they apologized deeply to both us and the Rejected Realms shows how capable they would be as delegate to realize mistakes and correct them.

I will still vote for SDixie/Pod Gunner.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Tacolicious

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Well I hardly think 12 questions from 4 people counts as "a grilling" and I'd think given the actions taken so close to an election it'd be only natural that they be questioned.

Once a question has been asked an answered, then further repititions of that question become nothing but pointless harassment.

Well first off these questions haven't really been answered, certainly not in this thread and certainly not by SD. Of course according to PoD, SD had nothing to do with the invasion as he was just relaying information, of course he'd objected..

SD, who had protested against this move all along

and so a fellow raider who had previous working knowledge of this -questionable at best - operation objected to doing this raid, and look how hard he objected:

With this action, we are making NS history, in capturing a game created region, and demonstrating the sheer Awesomeness of Taijitu. Tonight, each and everyone of you, are a part of NS history.

What comes across to me with all this is how this invasion was done with a "Well the elections are coming up anyways, so this can be done and to split with the consequences... what are they gonna do... fire me?" kind of attitude. And now a simple apology and all is forgiven, and now SD doesn't even owe an apology?

I suppose if Bush just apologized for the Iraq invasion then all would be fine, I suppose then if in the next election Cheney was to run with Bush as his vice it'd be fine too because Bush invaded, not Cheney.. Cheney isn't connected... he even objected to the invasion...

Well, vote as you please and accuse me as you like. I see my questions as valid and distict and I have no intention of voting Cheney/Bush in the upcoming elections.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2007, 06:20:29 PM by Tacolicious »

"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistant one"
"Wisest is he who knows he is not wise"
"Nothing is fun when you have to do it, that's why you don't see a lot of old whores giggling over sex"

Delicious Comrade of the most Awesome Party

Offline Sovereign Dixie

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It's ok. I made a mistake, I fucked up. I deserve to have to account for my actions, and I will do so. I will answer Durnia and Taco's questions, and this will be my formal statement on the matter, full and truthful.

 My invovlement, up until two hours prior to the invasion, was actually arguing against it. I presented every counter argument imaginable. In the end, I lent my support for the following reasons, in no particular order.

 1)I supported the idea of bringing a more democratic government to TRR, or at least giving the people a choice as to what they wanted. If that proved to be Kandarin, so be it, but I at least wanted them to have a say.

 2) Nationstates, though I do not agree that it as dying, as some say, but is in a severe slump. Major events are few and far between, and often very mild in comparison to stories I've heard of past events. With us being in the middle of summer, a slow period in a game which has become alot slower than it used to be, I hoped that a dramatic and significant action, such as this, would help the game as a whole, by generating renewed activity.

 3) It became apparent that this invasion was probably going to go on whether I supported it or not. I believe that if you're going to do something crazy, at least try to minimize the damage. I hoped that by my participation, I could help influence events into a more favorable outcome, both in terms of the invasion, and most of all, in regard to the aftermath vis a vis the populace here at home.

 I wrote the public address, I took part in the ejections. I sat nervously waiting. We knew that not everyone would be thrilled by this, some backlash was expected, of course. But nothing along these lines was expected. I
now realise that it was a mistake of very high caliber NS wise. And has done great harm to a region I helped create, and dearly love.

 To the people of Taijitu, I offer a heartfelt apology, and a promise on my honour that I shall never partake in any such action again.
 Now, with regard to this election, some have said I should probably back out, that I now have no chance of winning. There may be truth to that, but I will not back out of this race. The reasons for this are as follows.

 1) I still feel that I have the experience and, in spite of recent actions, the judgement to direct this region to where it needs to be.

 2) My ideas and aims for the coming term have not changed, and are still *exactly* as outlined here (meaning no OMGINVASIONZ!!!!1111)

 3) I have had my share in NS of cleaning up other people's messes, and it's not fun. I helped make this mess, and I want to be the one that has to clean it up. My experience can help in the matter, and to me, it's the honourable thing to do, and will be my way of trying to atone for my mistakes.

 As for TRR, a full apology has been offered to and graciously accepted by Kandarin, the former and once again Delegate of TRR. Using that as a foundation, I plan to try to do all within my ability to establish good and stable relations based on benevolence, and eventually, hopefully, trust.

 With regard to the rest of the NS world, I plan on rebuilding our good inter-regional standing the same way we got it in the first place, by accepting all players, from all regions, to come here and have fun, socialise, or get involved in our community, and by reaching out to all regions in honesty and friendship.

 I would like to thank those who have supported me during the last couple of days, and have indicated their intent to still place their trust in me for stewardship of this still great, still amazing region.

Offline PoD Gunner

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Considering the effects of my actions yesterday and the reactions that some have directed against SD, I have taken the decision of withdrawing from this election. SD will announce his new VDC shortly. Although I have let you down, do not direct your discontentment against SD, it would be undeserved and you would only be damaging the region. I thank all those who have shown understanding and support. SD remains the best chance Taijitu has.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2007, 06:35:48 PM by PoD Gunner »
Co-Founder of Taijitu
Former Delegate of The Lexicon (by mistake), The Rejected Realms (par force) and Taijitu (elected)
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Offline Sovereign Dixie

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 With PoD's withdrawal from the VDC race, I would like to announce my new running mate. An experienced player, well known regionally and throughout Nation States, it is my pleasure to announce Flemingovia as my new running mate for the coming Delegacy elections.

Offline Khem

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damn fine choice.
good luck gentlemen.

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Offline Flemingovia

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Thank you.

My entrance to this race was not without some soul-searching. For one thing, I was worried that it might be construed that I supported the invasion of the RR yesterday. It should be obvious that I do not. I have no time for raiders or raiding, and would not piss on DEN if they were on fire.

However, the reason that I have agreed to run with SD is that i have the profoundest respect for him as a player and as a person. We have fought as bitter enemies in the Lexicon war, and we have worked as friends in Taijitu. That sort of thing gives you an insight into a person, and I think SD will make a damn fine delegate. If I can support and advise that delegacy, I hope it will make his delegacy all the stronger.

What do I bring to this ticket? I have a lot of experience in life and in Nationstates. I was described yesterday as an "old school player" and I suppose I am. I do not get too involved in roleplay or OOC. I enjoy the politics. I enjoy the smokey rooms and the cut and thrust of debate. I like to think I play with a little skill and common sense.

Offline Romanar

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I'm glad you're still in the race, SD, and I think Flem's a great choice for Vice.  :)
« Last Edit: July 22, 2007, 10:56:02 PM by Romanar »