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Author Topic: A PSA by the Capitalis de Societate [SILLY] -- Feb 12 2012  (Read 777 times)

Offline Unibot

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A PSA by the Capitalis de Societate [SILLY] -- Feb 12 2012
« on: February 13, 2012, 04:54:13 AM »
DISCLAIMER: THIS UPDATE IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL BEYOND THE DISCLAIMER. I do not actually represent The West Pacific et. al. As you all know, NationStates recently changed servers. This caused the update order to be all messed up, so for example, the UDL’s headquarters now updates four minutes into update. Also, update is now much shorter, which us defenders are certainly appreciating. Nonetheless, to celebrate this glorious server change, I now present to you a UDL Press Release from a parallel world where there are only eight regions and I am the tyrant emperor of the West Pacific. The joke originates from when the mods and admins were testing the new server: they re-created NationStates and were playing around in some feeders with “Unibot” as the delegate of the West Pacific among other hilarities. Please enjoy!

A Public Service Announcement by the Capitalis de Societate of The United Defenders League and The Honorable Emperor of the Glorious Republic of The West Pacific,

Liberty hath begot terror and terror hath begot public virtue and victory. I called upon you, my fellow merrymen to unite in the War on Nasicournia but I have been greeted with weakness, vice and public insubordination from the most rotten and sullen parasites of our civil society. 

Lest the common merryman forget the roots of the Republic that he now adores, I am obligated to recant our history to remind them of what hath made us strong and what maketh Nasicournia so injurious to our sublime design.

*slams fist on pulpit* The West Pacific was once a barren land of depravity and corruption led by demagogues until it was cultivated by our League of United Defenders and the Honorable Emperor – this is the Incontrovertible Word of Fris! Hail The Glorious Republic!! We hath made our society strong and virtuous; from the roots of our noble germination hath grown an awe-invoking vegetation of order.
We turn our attention now to Nasicournia, led by the despicable demagogue, Francos Spain. He overthrew our defender brotherhood and now offers ‘peace’ and ‘freedom’ to the Nasicournians when it is war and discipline that hath made us strong and it is war and discipline that hath provideth the double-tongued demagogue his trophy.  We heed The Rejected Realm’s “No Sedge” policy; death shall come to the New Sedge Order that have corrupted the Pacific with its support of the Francoist regime. 

It is time that we organize our army of honor and liberate Nasicournia from the infidels. HARK OUR LORD, FRIS. AMEN. But it is not enough to simply advance Nasicournia; we shall improve our own region: we shall protect our liberties by enforcing our new Crimes Against Liberty passed today by holy decree; no longer may your freedom of speech be diminished and neighbored by dissenters’ treachery. Hail Liberty! We shall eradicate and purge the Australians from the region! *slams fist wildly* Hail Purity! We shall expand the Glorious Republic to the New World, where local tyrants and savages soil the lesser Pacifics: the North, East and South, with their incivility – we shall teach them virtue from vice and with time they shall be our resilient offspring. Hail Fecundity!

Supplicate, Respect and Fear, my friends.

This is your Moment of Terror:

<@Eluvatar> I hate how TNI has "The region who Conquered The Rejected Realms! " in their WFE
<@Eluvatar> 1. They didn't keep it
<@Eluvatar> 2. They weren't the first, by a long shot
<@Goobergunch> note to self
<@Goobergunch> find 42 friends
<@Goobergunch> take TNI Delegacy for one update
<@Mahaj> lol
<@Goobergunch> claim to be "The $group That Conquered TNI"

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