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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis De Societate  (Read 1225 times)

Offline Tim

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A Letter from the Capitalis De Societate
« on: June 10, 2013, 08:53:24 PM »

United Defenders League - General Propaganda - June 10th 2013

Wait  wait what? An update post not by some incarnation of Unibot!? No Unibot II or III or IV!? What on earth has happened?!
Well, for those of you who have been residing in some backwater for the past three month, Unibot is off enjoying his life and you're stuck with...Solm. Rumours have floated around that Solm may actually be the reincarnation of Goobergunchia, but so far we have found no proof of this. Nonetheless, the United Defenders League has survived the departure of our glorious founder and hopes to be back on the field and beating up raiderscum, using our absolute moral authority ;) , until the end of [violet].

Now, you might be wondering why you haven't been getting doused with glorious UDL propaganda since before Unibot poofed. Some people might claim that it's because we've been too busy infiltrating feeders, and other treacherous stuff like that. As cool as that might be, those people are incorrect. The actual reason is because we've been electing a new Unibo *cough* Chief of the Band and Solm did not think his tenure, as Interim Chief, would last this long! But, now it has become obvious that this Conclave thing will continue on until Max Barry holds the next Maxchat. For those of you who do not know, we have modeled our election system after the Papal Conclave. We have been voting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and updating the nation of [nation]Smoke[/nation] after each update with either black or white smoke. Obviously, since we haven't elected a new Pope yet, it's been black.. The early votes were hotly contested, but as the second week of voting started, frontrunners emerged. Leading the pack was Evil Wolf! His platform consisted of some UDLer posting, "EVIL WOLF IS EBIL. VOTE FOR HIM!" But, then some people went, "Wait a minute here, he smells!" And then the collective UDL put its noses out and smelled Evil Wolf. He did indeed... smell. Since the second week his votes have left him second to last, with Durkadurkiranistan holding last.. As Evil Wolf's lead dwindled, the next frontrunner emerged: Spartzerium! For those who aren't familiar with Spartz, he was the original UDL Chief Lieutenant and then "left" to go join TBH and has raided ever since. Since Unibot's departure, the classified intel department of the UDL was declassified which consisted of a single document that said, "We have no spies. So I decided to switch to get some intel for us. ~ Spartz" Upon the reveal of this document, tens of UDLers swarmed the Conclave polls and voted for Spartz. However, even this was not enough to get 75% of the conclave to vote for him.

Spartz has been falling from the lead since then, with certain candidates such as Halcones and the ghost of Francos Spain suddenly surging ahead in the polls. It's less of a Papal Conclave and more of a Horse Race, ladies and Gentlemen! Another nomination suggested the UDL just be absorbed back into the FRA. The latter has received a good amount of support, but not Spartz levels. Anyways, the Conclave has been going on for months now and I felt that the world needed an update from the UDL's interim Chief of the Band (that's Solm!) so they could get their dose of UDL news and huggles.

Who doesn't love a good huggle?

Nobody, that's right! Everyone loves a good huggle! *huggles* Well, except those raiderscum. Apparently huggles are verboten there.

So what has the UDL been up to in these past few months on the battlefield? Well, We've detagged over 115 regions, defended countless others, sometimes defending up to 4 out of every 5 raider attempts! One of our largest defenses occurred just a week ago![region]Discordia[/region], where a combined defender force of the UDL, TITO, FRA, and SDF was able to boost the native to 28 endos, while the raider peaked  at a mere 17. We awarded our members with this beautiful medal upon the successful completion of the Discordia mission.

We have also been incredibly busy liberating! The South Pacific was a big shock to all of us, but the UDL did its best to contribute to its liberation effort, supplying sleepers and updaters to the effort. Shortly after TSP was freed, we liberated [region]Furrry Federation[/region] with FRA, TITO, and the SDF. We were also busy in the torpedojaggers and natan region annexation (among the more notable regions from our operations). Our huge thanks goes out to the FRA, TITO, and the SDF as their assistance has been critical in the success of the majority of our operations. We work together with the FRA every update, and their assistance is vital to our success and the cooperation between the UDL and the FRA has sent countless raiders off to the Rejected Realms. Furthermore with the assistance of TITO, the SDF, and others, we have been able to succeed with huge defender forces in operations, such as Discordia. To the FRA, TITO, and the SDF, our thanks goes out to you, and we look forward to continuing our cooperation with all of you! Perhaps whatever term we've been using for Defenders working together isn't so dead afterall ;)

In terms of the UDL, we have been quite busy lately. Since the conclave has gone on so long, we have decided to begin our plans for change under the interim administration while we wait for a permanent Chief. Just recently, we have appointed several new Chiefs. Luna (Flowering Staplers) was appointed to Chief of Culture, and will hopefully be making cookies for the rest of the Leadership. Campinia was promoted to Chief of Intelligence. We're not sure what he's going to be doing there, as it's classified, but it's probably more than the last Chief did! Tim was appointed to Chief of Foreign Affairs, quite the difficult task, but we're sure he'll do exemplary. Also, Ravania was promoted to Captain, a new military position to coordinate and orchestrate our military efforts, akin to a Chief of Military Affairs. We have also promoted Sovreignry and Ravania to Update Heads! We hope these changes will help bring the UDL into even higher heights, improving our coordination and update skills. Congratulations to all of the new appointments, and we wish them best of luck in their endeavors!

We are also revamping our Orientation and Recruiting departments, and will have updates about those soon. Also, we've even gained some new Merrymen to join us on the field! Last but not least, change is definitely coming to the concepts behind Militia, Merryman, and Senior Merryman. Some may be big, some may be small, and some might just piss people off, but they'll be coming and hopefully they'll be successful. Although we all know you want to know more, we're going to take one out of the River Song playbook and respond with " spoilers ;) "

Hopefully we will get a new Chief of the Band soon, as basically everyone is tired of having to pick up Solm's soda cans for him. It's been a busy few months, and hopefully the next few months will be even busier.
And lastly, your wonderful moment of zen, hand-picked as a departing gift from Unibot:

<Ravania> http://www.nationstates.net/region=mystika strange, the zombies procreate before dying at the beginning he had 6M alive in the end 7M dead.
<Mahaj> goddamn the dead get more action than i do

That's all Folks,
Chief of the Band

Tim Locksley-Stark
Chief of Foreign Affairs