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Author Topic: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate - Sept. 19 2011  (Read 949 times)

Offline Unibot

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A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate - Sept. 19 2011
« on: September 19, 2011, 09:17:25 PM »

A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate of the United Defenders League,

Greetings! The United Defenders League has been really pleased with these past few weeks and all the successes that have transpired. We've been elated with a series of successful liberations during the past few weeks. Several regions were liberated; Communist Russia, Sev Space, Katasia, Serenidad, Stargate, The United Kingdom of Britain and Middle Earth. Facing opposition from a multitude of leading raider organizations, I believe this reaffirms to our Merrymen and the rest of NationStates that a successful liberation can prevail even against untold resistance from those who try to usurp control of regions' administrations from their respective native communities.

Perhaps we will remember those sentiments as we look to the devastation of the Proletariat Coalition in recent days; raider forces have swarmed said region, clamouring for some form of ochlocratic 'justice'. We here in the United Defenders League greatly sympathize with the native community. I myself have always feared what will happen to my own region if I were no longer active in the game, would it be targeted? Would my friends or people who haven't even *met* me be punished for my beliefs or mistakes? The raid on the Proletariat Coalition to me resembles kicking a veteran down when he is older and frailer; I'm certainly not going to let this harassment continue and I expect the Greenwood Band to do all it can in its power to return the region's leadership back to its community. Kudos to the many spunky natives of the Proletariat Coalition who have spoken out against the invasion on the Regional Message Board with an admirable fidelity; hope and spirit is not futile, my friends and my private heroes.

On a more cheery note, our movie night was a raving success and we will be doing another movie night at the beginning of October, so watch out for that. Furthermore, in the past few weeks we've been trying to quickly expand our diplomatic relations across NationStates, befriend who we can and get to know the native communities better that we've sworn to protect. If we haven't already, you may see us approach your main region about establishing an embassy to receive letters like these -- if you're not approached, please feel free to apply for embassies on our forums (1. Apply as a Herald, 2. Apply for Embassies).

The Native Rights Watch is also trying to get off the ground although is still looking for a Vice Executive Director; Contact Goobergunchia, the Executive Director of the NRW, or myself if you're interested in that position. I believe the NRW is considering writing and publishing an essay on the situation in Greece, including advocating for a diplomatic solution.

Quotation of the Update, Tim-Opolis's depiction of the Merrymen's successful liberation of the United Kingdom of Britian:



Representing the 7 defenders and the two noob raiders.

May Justice Never Be Abandoned,
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 05:32:18 AM by Unibot »

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Re: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate - Sept. 19 2011
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2011, 09:13:30 PM »
Thanks for the update.
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Offline Gulliver

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Re: A Letter from the Capitalis de Societate - Sept. 19 2011
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2011, 12:52:11 AM »
Your archers' formation is sloppy.